Choice of material is fundamental to the success of a water birth pool

K.D.Brainin Founder & Director
Blog: 02.08.2024

The choice of material is fundamental to the success of a water birth pool, and at Active Birth Pools, we have chosen to fabricate our pools using Ficore® composite.

This proprietary material, developed to address the limitations of traditional materials like fibreglass and acrylic, offers extraordinary properties that enhance the performance, safety, and value of our water birth pools.

Ficore composite is a blend of eight different elements that are chemically fused during manufacturing and then heat-cured at a high temperature.

This process creates a material that is not only light in weight but incredibly strong in performance.

Ficore’s unique composition brings a range of significant advantages that make it ideal for water birth pools.


A cross section of FICORE® composite

 Ficore® composite has many advantages:

  1. Superior heat retention
  2. Much higher degree of strength and durability
  3. Less slippery
  4. More tactile
  5. Warm to the touch
  6. Easily repaired if damaged
  7. More resistant to bacteria

One of the key benefits of Ficore is its superior heat retention.

Due to Ficore’s high insulation factor and double-wall construction Active Birth Pools maintain water temperature up to 7 times longer.

This ensures a more comfortable experience for the mother, as the water remains warm for a longer period without the need for frequent reheating, making the process more energy-efficient.

You’ll notice a significant difference in the surface temperature between Ficore and the other materials.

Ficore is warmer due to the fact that it is composite resin that is much denser than acrylic and fibreglass.

In terms of strength and durability, Ficore far outperforms fibreglass and acrylic.

It is 50% harder, providing a much higher degree of structural integrity.

Pools made from Ficore do not flex, buckle, bow, or change shape under pressure, ensuring they can withstand heavy use in demanding environments like hospitals.

This durability is crucial when considering the need for pools to endure frequent use and disinfection with caustic chemicals.

Another essential feature of Ficore composite is its slip-resistant surface.

The material has an incredibly high adhesion factor, which greatly reduces the risk of slipping.

This is particularly important in a water birth setting, where safety for both the mother and healthcare professionals is paramount.

The tactile nature of Ficore, combined with its warmth to the touch, makes the pools more physically appealing and helps mothers feel more at ease during labour.

Hygiene is a critical factor in any birthing environment, and Ficore’s non-porous surface ensures that it is highly resistant to bacteria.

The smooth, seamless surface is easy to clean, with no crevices for bacteria to hide, thus helping to prevent infections.

Additionally, Ficore’s ability to withstand continuous exposure to heat and thermal shock from alternating hot and cold water adds to its suitability for use in birthing pools.

Ficore is more impervious to damage than other bath materials.

However, if it is damaged, it can be completely repaired as new – unlike many alternative materials.

Ficore is able to withstand both continuous heat or hot water and thermal shock of alternating hot and cold water.

An Active Birth Pool manufactured in Ficore meets or exceeds all relevant regulations and will withstand the rigours of heavy hospital use and disinfection with caustic chemicals.

Water birth pools made from Ficore composite offer a range of benefits that far surpass those made from traditional materials like fibreglass or acrylic.

Ficore provides superior heat retention, enhanced durability, exceptional hygiene standards, and improved safety through its slip-resistant and tactile surface.

These qualities make Active Birth Pools the ideal choice for birthing environments, offering a safer, more comfortable, and hygienic option for water births

Ficore® composite data and specification






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