At the ‘Building Better Healthcare’ awards ceremony the Active Birth Pool was highly commended in the award for best internal building product.
In their comments the judges praised the quality of our design and manufacturing process and went on to say that they found the Active Birth Pool very appealing.
All aspects of design, engineering and manufacture were focused on develop a water birth pool of unparalleled beauty, quality, functionality and durability that is backed by an extraordinary life-time year guarantee.
Foremost consideration was given to how mothers and midwives relate to and interact with the pool employing ergonomic principles to design for the interaction and dynamic at play.
Mothers have the space to move freely and comfortably and are supported in the postures natural to a physiological labour and birth.
The “signature” extra-wide rims with broad “bull-nosed” shaped edges flowing into the skirting panel and down to the floor are an important feature of the Active Birth Pool that sets it apart.
The wide flat rim allows mothers to lean forward, resting on their forearms in comfort – one of the most natural and effective positions during labour.
It provides secure, safe, stable support for women to enter and leave the pool and for midwives and partners to lean or rest on while attending the mother.
The handrails, which are set into the profile of the rim, provide perfect support for the mother in upright positions.
The critical issue of emergency evacuation has been resolved by incorporating features into the pool to give midwives several options for evacuating the mother that are in compliance with Health & Safety and Manual Handling regulations.
The Labour Support and Safety Seats are distinguishing features of the Active Birth Pool
1) This physiologically designed labour support seat has proven to help the mother’s pelvis and birth canal open in preparation for a natural, physiological birth.
2) The distinctive rim level safety seat provides a wide comfortable platform for the mother to lean on, a safe means for emergency evacuation and is ideal for midwives to monitor the mother without her having to stand up or leave the pool.
The unique seamless one-piece construction incorporates a deeply sculpted concave skirting panel to allow midwives to work in comfort with their legs well under the pool.
The new Active Birth Pool is fabricated in Ficore® composite, a proprietary material that was specially developed for baths and designed to negate the risk of problems associated with other materials.
Ficore is 50% harder than acrylic and fibreglass (which other birth pools are made from) and highly resistant to chemicals.
Despite the rigidity and hardness of the surface it is extremely smooth, tactile and warm to the touch.
Its high insulation factor enables the Active Birth Pool to maintain its temperature up to six times longer than standard acrylic or fibreglass birth pools.
To help mothers control, define and personalise the delivery room, the Active Birth Pool is equipped with multi-colour chromotherapy LED lighting and integral bluetooth sound.
Our ingenious Integral Bluetooth Sound System allows the mother to wirelessly connect her phone and listen to the music of her choice.
Two integral speakers turn the birth pool into a highly refined audio loudspeaker.
When you examine the new Active Birth Pool you’ll immediately notice the superior finish and signature design elements.
Look a little closer and the quality of the components such as the drainage system, the support structure that underpins the pool, the fittings on the access panel, the lighting system, handrails and metal work becomes apparent.
If you are looking for a water birth pool to install in a maternity unit the incomparable new Active Birth Pool should be your first choice.
Handmade and custom built to order by a team who together have over 95 years experience in the design and production of high-end baths the new Active Birth Pool will provide decades of service and be an invaluable aid to mothers who want to have a natural birth.
The Active Birth Pool conforms to regulations issued by the Department of Health and the guidelines set forth in the Water Birth Safety Initiative.
Active Birth Pools Wins Prestigious Design MasterPrize Award
Note: this article taken from “Building Better Healthcare” magazine – November 2015