Innovative ergonomic design makes our water birth pools safer, more comfortable and easier to use

K.D.Brainin Founder & Director
Blog: 05.08.2024

The first thing that people notice when they look at  our water birth pools is the curvaceous, extra-wide rounded rim and the sculpted surround that hugs it’s form.

The basis for this unique design approach stems from work we did with a health service ergonomist in 1995 in an effort to improve the design of our pools to make them safer, more comfortable and easier for mothers and midwives to use.

When you look our water birth pools from the early 90’s you notice the solid, vertical surround and narrow rims.

It is not possible for midwives to sit in comfort.

To get close midwives have to splay their legs and bend forward – not only is this very uncomfortable but, the strain can lead to back ache, tension in the neck and shoulders and time off work.

As a result the ability of midwives to do their jobs is compromised, results and job satisfaction are diminished.


Most birth pools on the market today closely resemble our early designs and still have the same vertical sides and narrow rims.

Not only does this cause midwives discomfort but they way in which mothers get into the pool is impacted as well.

To get into these pools multi- step units with handrails are required at substantial cost and added risk.

Midwives tell us that our water birth pools are the most comfortable and easy-to-use.

The can sit naturally in comfort with their legs tucked well under the rim and their arms resting gently on the surface.

They move instinctively with ease around the circumference of the pool.

The wrap around, bull-nosed shaped rim is absolutely perfect for mothers to grab onto for support from anywhere in the pool.

It provides comfort and support for mothers in the wide variety of upright positions natural to labour and birth.

The simple act of getting into the pool is the most misunderstood aspects associated with water birth.

There is the widespread fallacy that multi-step units with handrails are required.

Perhaps that is because with other birthing pools with narrow rims they are needed?

But, not with Active Birth Pools!

With our pools mothers don’t have to climb up, and over the rim to get into the pool.

They just sit on the extra-wide rim with three points of contact at all times and and simply swivel into the water.

The unobtrusive single step gives mothers a height advantage and makes it safe and easy for women of any shape or size to easily get into our pools.

They are grounded at  all times and fully safeguarded from risk,

Facilitating emergency evacuations is a vital component of water birth protocols.

This is where the extra-wide rim ands concave skirting panel really comes into play.

In case of an emergency mothers can be held safely on the internal seat and then with the aid of the buoyancy of the water gently moved across the rim and onto a trolley.

As an added bonus the deeply sculpted surround allows portable hoists to be moved into position if this method of evacuation is preferred.

Fabrication in Ficore composite has allowed us to take these design features to the next level with flowing forms, round bull-nosed shape rims and more deeply sculpted skirting panels.

As a result our water birth pools are even more supportive, comfortable and user-friendly.

This is why given a choice midwives will always choose Active Birth Pools.

Improving Birthing Pool Design: Case Study 18 – Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors

All women no matter what their shape or size will find it exceptionally easy to get into our pools

Active Birth Pools give midwives safe, practical options for dealing with emergencies


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