Active Birth Pools Water Birth Safety Hub

K.D.Brainin Founder & Director
Blog: 01.08.2024

A wealth of information relating to all aspects of water safety, infection control and manual handling.

Designed to optimise safety, negate risk and deliver safer birthing environments

Water Birth Safety Initiative

Manual handling risks associated with water birth pools

Health and Safety risks you need to be aware of before buying a water birth pool

All women no matter what their shape or size will find it exceptionally easy to get into our pools

Active Birth Pools give midwives safe, practical options for dealing with emergencies

Guidelines: Cleaning and Care

Health and Safety Advisory: WARNING Swan Neck Taps Present a Significant Infection Control Risk

This unique feature makes our water birth pools safer and more user-friendly!

Water Safety Management

Legionella – blowing bugs out the water

Safe Water in Healthcare Premises: United Kingdom Department of Health

Manual handling risks to midwives associated with birthing pools: literature review and incident analysis

Health Building Notes – Maternity Care Facilities: Department of Health

Guidance for the prevention and control of infection from water systems: Health Service Executive

Water Systems – Health Technical Memorandum: Department of Health

Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection from Water Systems in Healthcare Facilities

Legionella management and control procedures: Nottingham University Hospital




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