Video saavuttaa 12,000,000 näyttökertaa YouTubessa!

Tämä lyhyt video, jolla on yli 12,000,000 näyttökertaa, osoittaa, että äideillä on tilaa liikkua vapaasti synnytyksen ja synnytyksen luonnollisissa asennoissa.

Kuinka he suhtautuvat vaistomaisesti vesi synnytysaltaittemme ja liikkuvat luonnollisesti löytääkseen mukavimmat ja hyödyllisimmät asennot.

Liikkumisen vapaus yhdistettynä lämpimän veden rentouttaviin vaikutuksiin lisää oksitosiinin vapautumista merkittävästi, mikä lisää äitien mahdollisuuksia kokea fysiologinen synnytys ja luonnollinen synnytys.

Vesisynnytysaltaiden muotoilun ja kehityksen huippu

Freedom of Movement”-videoen har nået 12.000.000 visninger på YouTube!

Denne korte video med over 12.000.000 visninger viser, at mødre har plads til at bevæge sig frit i de naturlige stillinger under arbejde og fødsel.

Hvordan de instinktivt forholder sig til vores vandfødselsbassiner og naturligt bevæger sig for at finde de mest behagelige og gavnlige positioner.

Bevægelsesfrihed kombineret med de afslappende effekter af varmt vand forbedrer frigivelsen af ​​oxytocin, hvilket signifikant øger sandsynligheden for, at mødre oplever fysiologisk fødsel og naturlig fødsel.

Toppen af design og udvikling af vandfødselsbassiner

Toppen av vannfødselsbasseng design og utvikling


Vrijheid van Beweging” bereikt 12.000.000 weergaven op YouTube!

Deze korte video met meer dan 12.000.000 weergaven laat zien dat moeders ruimte hebben om zich vrij te bewegen in houdingen die natuurlijk zijn voor arbeid en geboorte.

Hoe ze instinctief reageren op onze watergeboortebaden en natuurlijk bewegen om de meest comfortabele en gunstige posities te vinden.

Vrijheid van beweging in combinatie met de ontspannende effecten van warm water versterkt de afgifte van oxytocine, wat de kans aanzienlijk vergroot dat moeders een fysiologische bevalling en natuurlijke geboorte ervaren.

Il video “Libertà di Movimento” raggiunge 12.000.000 di visualizzazioni su YouTube!

Questo breve video con oltre 12.000.000 di visualizzazioni mostra che le madri hanno spazio per muoversi liberamente nelle posizioni naturali del travaglio e del parto.

Come instintivamente si relazionano alle nostre piscine per il parto in acqua e si muovono naturalmente per trovare le posizioni più comode e benefiche.

La libertà di movimento combinata agli effetti rilassanti dell’acqua calda potenzia il rilascio di ossitocina, aumentando significativamente la probabilità che le madri vivano un travaglio fisiologico e un parto naturale.

L’apice del design e dello sviluppo delle piscine per il parto

فيديو “حرية الحركة” يحصد 12,000,00 مشاهدة على YouTube!

هذا الفيديو القصير الذي حصل على أكثر من 12,000,000 مشاهدة يظهر أن لديهن الأمهات مساحة للتحرك بحرية في الوضعيات الطبيعية للولادة والإنجاب.

كيف ترتبط نفسيًا بحمامات الولادة في الماء لدينا وتتحرك بشكل طبيعي للعثور على أكثر الوضعيات راحةً وفائدةً.

الحرية في الحركة مجتمعة مع التأثيرات الاسترخائية للماء الدافئ تعزز من إفراز الأوكسيتوسين مما يزيد بشكل كبير من احتمالية أن تعيش الأمهات عملية الولادة الفسيولوجية والولادة الطبيعية بشكل كبير.

لماذا تعتبر حمامات الولادة النشطة الخيار رقم 1 عالميًا


ذروة تصميم حوض الولادة وتطويره


Videon “Rörelsefrihet” når 12 000 000 visningar på YouTube!

Denna korta video med över 12 000 000 visningar visar att mödrar har utrymme att röra sig fritt i naturliga ställningar för arbete och födsel.

Hur de instinktivt förhåller sig till våra födelsebassänger i vatten och naturligt rör sig för att hitta de mest bekväma och gynnsamma positionerna.

Rörelsefriheten i kombination med de avslappnande effekterna av varmt vatten ökar frisättningen av oxytocin, vilket signifikant ökar möjligheten för mödrar att uppleva fysiologisk arbetskraft och naturlig födsel.


Hvorfor Active Birth Pools er det førstevalg i verden

O vídeo “Liberdade de Movimento” alcança 12.000.000 de visualizações no YouTube!

Este curto vídeo, com mais de 12.000.000 de visualizações, mostra que as mães têm espaço para se mover livremente nas posturas naturais do trabalho de parto e do parto.

Como elas se relacionam instintivamente com as nossas piscinas de parto na água e se movem naturalmente para encontrar as posições mais confortáveis e benéficas.

A liberdade de movimento combinada com os efeitos relaxantes da água morna aumenta a liberação de ocitocina, o que aumenta significativamente a probabilidade de as mães experimentarem o trabalho de parto fisiológico e o parto natural.

Por que as Piscinas de Parto Ativas são a escolha número 1 em todo o mundo

O pináculo do design e desenvolvimento das piscinas de nascimento


Het summum van ontwerp en ontwikkeling van een bevallingsbad

Onze bekroonde bevallingsbaden van ziekenhuiskwaliteit zijn al meer dan 35 jaar de allerbeste op de markt!

Ze zijn hygiënisch en veilig, bieden een onovertroffen waarde, betere resultaten en superieure prestaties.

Ze worden in Engeland op bestelling met de hand gemaakt en zijn gebouwd om niet jaren maar een leven lang mee te gaan.

“Het summum van ontwerp en ontwikkeling van een bevallingsbad.

De perfecte combinatie van ontwerp, materialen en fabricage” 
Building Better Healthcare Awards

Wij hielpen bij de eerste ontwikkelingen van het gebruik van water bij een bevalling en een geboorte. Door speciale bevalbaden te ontwerpen, kwam deze revolutie in de kraamzorg op gang.

Sinds 1987 hebben we al duizenden bevallingsbaden aan ziekenhuizen over de hele wereld geleverd en hebben we op het gebied van kwaliteit en service een geweldige reputatie opgebouwd.

Moeders, verloskundigen en vroedvrouwen zijn dol op onze bevallingsbaden omdat ze ongelooflijk comfortabel, praktisch en gebruiksvriendelijk zijn.

Ziekenhuizen kopen onze bevalbaden omdat ze superieur presteren, ongeëvenaard veilig zijn en een onovertroffen waarde leveren.

We hebben succes geboekt door voortdurend te innoveren, de zaken eenvoudig te houden en ons te concentreren op onze kernprincipes: veiligheid, waarde en prestaties.

Onze ongeëvenaarde kennis en schat aan ervaring stellen ons in staat om bevalbaden te bieden, die de risico’s minimaliseren, de resultaten optimaliseren en de waarde maximaliseren.

Het oordeel van de jury was dat “de combinatie van een op bewijs gebaseerd, gebruikersgericht, ergonomisch ontwerp, gespecialiseerde materialen en de op maat gemaakte fabricage heeft geresulteerd in bevalbaden, die echt een klasse apart zijn”

Active Birth Pools worden op bestelling door zeer bekwame vakmensen in Engeland met de hand gemaakt en wereldwijd verzonden.

Ze worden vervaardigd van een gepatenteerd materiaal Ficore® genaamd, wat een composiethars is met buitengewone eigenschappen.

Deze korte, eenvoudige video is al bijna 12.000.000 keer op YouTube bekeken.

Het laat duidelijk zien hoe instinctief het lichaam van de moeder doet wat het moet doen en natuurlijk beweegt om de meest comfortabele en voordelige posities te kunnen vinden.


Some water borne bacteria are tough

Originally published by  Matthew R. Freije in 2013

Water is more prone to bacteria growth after it leaves the public water distribution system and enters a building’s plumbing. There it finds warmer temperatures, stagnation, and smaller pipes, valves and fittings.

Biofilm that forms on valves and fittings and pipe walls not only feeds bacteria but also protects them from the hot water and chlorine that typically would kill free-floating organisms.

Large systems with complex piping networks — like those found in hospitals, hotels and large apartment buildings — are especially prone to bacteria growth, but home plumbing systems are not exempt.

In fact, Legionella bacteria have been found in many home plumbing systems, some of which have been implicated in cases of Legionnaires’ disease.

Closer look at waterborne bacteria

Not all types of bacteria are unhealthy; some actually protect humans from illness. Only the disease-causing (pathogenic) bacteria are a concern, and these include Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Helicobacter pylori, Legionella, E. coli and Mycobacteria avium.

Many pathogens that can be transmitted from water also can be transmitted from food or surfaces or passed from person to person. For Legionella, however, water is nearly always the source.

Transplant patients, smokers, the elderly, persons with underlying disease such as cancer or diabetes, or patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment are many times more likely than a young nonsmoker in generally good health to become infected by waterborne bacteria and to die from that infection.

Modes of transmission

Drinking water is only one of the ways in which harmful bacteria can enter a person’s body.

Some bacteria can be inhaled in small droplets while showering, brushing teeth or washing the face.

Even while washing hands, a person could unknowingly inhale small water droplets that become airborne directly from the faucet or after water splashes against the sink.

Water droplets can enter the lungs and cause infection also by aspiration: contaminated water in the mouth, perhaps while swallowing, gets past the choking reflexes and enters the lungs instead of the esophagus and stomach.

Aspiration is more likely to occur in smokers, because their damaged respiratory tracts fail to keep substances out of the lungs.

Water-related illness associated with skin contact is less common in generally healthy people.

However, Pseudomonas aeruginosa has caused skin rashes in people using swimming pools or whirlpool spas that have not been properly treated to kill bacteria.

All four modes of transmission — ingestion, inhalation, aspiration and skin contact — have one crucial fact in common: The source of the problem is in the water.

If the water is not contaminated, illness will not occur.

Reducing risk

Bear in mind that the following comments pertain only to home plumbing systems. Some methods that are effective in home plumbing systems will not work well in hospitals, hotels or other large buildings.

Chemical disinfection

The disinfectant in a public water supply cannot be relied upon to control pathogens in a home plumbing system.

The free chlorine concentration varies significantly from city to city and even within a given distribution system, depending in part on the distance from the treatment plant to a home.

The water entering some homes may have 1.0 part per million (ppm) free chlorine while others will have 0.2 ppm or less.

Moreover, hot water at faucets and showers is unlikely to have any disinfectant, as chlorine concentrations are likely to dissipate in the water heater.

Although two studies conducted by the Centers for Control of Disease and Prevention (CDC) indicated that city water systems treated with monochloramine are less conducive to Legionella growth than are systems treated with chlorine, more data is needed to draw conclusions, particularly since Legionella have been found in several buildings supplied with monochloramine-treated water.

Point-of-entry (POE) treatment systems are used in some hospitals and hotels to inject chlorine dioxide or copper-silver ions into the plumbing system, or perhaps only into the hot water system.

However, this is not the most desirable or effective option for pathogen control in homes. A single treatment with chlorine or chlorine dioxide may be beneficial for newly constructed systems or systems that have been stagnant for a long period of time.

Following Water Quality Association (WQA) guidelines, the home plumbing system should also be disinfected in conjunction with the installation of a POE filtration system.

Hot water temperatures

The types of bacteria typically found in plumbing systems grow well in warm-water environments but will not multiply above a certain temperature.

For example, in the absence of biofilm, Legionella will not multiply at temperatures above 122 F (50 C) and will die within about 32 minutes at 140 F (60 C). Pseudomonas aeruginosa will not multiply above 108 F (42 C). Mycobacteria will multiply up to about 124 F (51 C).

Keeping water at 140 F (60 C) in large-building plumbing systems will not always control bacteria because of dead areas and other complexities in a large piping network, but studies have shown that high temperatures are effective in controlling Legionella bacteria in single-family residences.

In 95 Chicago-area homes studied by P.M. Arnow’s group*, Legionella were found in water samples collected from plumbing systems at temperatures under 140 F (60 C), but not in a single sample from systems above 140 F (60 C).

Setting the water heater to deliver 140 F (60 C) water to all taps will help to control waterborne pathogens but should not be done if the house is occupied by children or others who may open a hot water faucet unaware of the risk of scalding.

Skin damage will occur in adult males within 15-30 seconds at 130 F (54 C) and within 3-5 seconds at 140 F (60 C). Children and the elderly will scald even more quickly, and they will scald at lower temperatures.

Ultraviolet treatment. Properly sized ultraviolet (UV) disinfection units installed at the point of entry may be effective in controlling bacteria in home plumbing systems.

Whole-building UV has been unsuccessful in solving Legionella problems in large buildings because in those systems a residual disinfectant is required to prevent recontamination from biofilm. However, UV has been effective in controlling Legionella on a single floor of a hospital. Turbid water must be filtered for UV to be effective.

Filters and RO. Typical sediment or carbon filters will not block bacterial pathogens, and dirty ones actually make a good habitat for them. However, hollow-fiber membranes and other devices with a pore size of 0.2 micron or smaller will block bacteria.

At this time, submicron point-of-use (POU) filters are used in some hospitals but not generally in homes. However, several new sub-micron POU and POE filtration products are likely to be introduced, including products for home systems.

Whole-house hollow-fiber membrane systems, already available, provide filtration to 0.02 micron nominal and a flow rate of approximately 11 gallons per minute (gpm). These systems must be backwashed at least once daily.

Reverse osmosis (RO) systems certainly remove bacteria but need to be properly maintained to prevent bacteria growth in tanks and on membranes.

For pathogen control, filters should be evaluated based on: flow rate reduction; independent studies validating their ability to block bacteria; filter life; distance from the point of use (since bacteria could be released from biofilm downstream of the filter); and cost.

Many options are available for pathogen control in home plumbing systems, only a few of which have been discussed in this article.

Remember, it is critical to control waterborne pathogens in homes occupied by the elderly or immuno-compromised.

* “Prevalence and significance of Legionella pneumophila contamination of residential hot-tap water systems,” Journal of Infectious Diseases 152 (1985); 145-151

Matthew R. Freije is president of Solana Beach, CA-based HC Info.

He is a consultant, author and course instructor specializing in waterborne pathogens. Freije earned a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Purdue University; a water treatment plant operations specialist certificate from California State University, Sacramento; and is a Certified Water Specialist (WQA). His book Legionellae Control in Health Care Facilities: A Guide for Minimizing Risk has sold in more than 30 countries. Portions of this article were taken from Freije’s new book on home water treatment, due to be released this year.

Aktive Gebärbecken

Wenn Sie nach einem Wassergebärbecken für Ihre Entbindungsstation suchen, können wir Ihnen unsere einzigartige Expertise anbieten

Wir haben wesentlich dazu beigetragen, den Weg für den Einsatz von Wasser bei Wehen und Entbindungen zu bahnen. Es war der Entwurf unserer Wassergebärbecken, der diese Revolution in der Geburtshilfe möglich gemacht hat

Wir liefern seit 1987 Gebärbecken an Hunderte Krankenhäuser in aller Welt und arbeiten eng mit unseren Kunden und mit technischen Experten zusammen, um unsere Produkte weiterzuentwickeln und zu verbessern

Dadurch verfügen wir über eine einzigartige Erfahrung in der Entwicklung und Herstellung von Gebärbecken, die sich durch außergewöhnlichen Nutzwert und unübertroffene Qualität auszeichnen

Seit langem setzen unsere Produkte den Maßstab für die gesamte Branche. Unsere neue Produktpalette an Gebärbecken stellt nun in jeder Hinsicht einen weiteren Quantensprung dar

Wir verbinden unsere reiche Erfahrung in den Herstellungsmethoden mit der Verwendung bester Materialien und bieten Ihnen dadurch Gebärbecken von unverwechselbarer Qualität. Unsere Produkte sind mit einer zwanzigjährigen Garantie versehen – auch darin sind sie außergewöhnlich

Wir haben uns bei der Weiterentwicklung der Produkte an ergonomischen Prinzipien orientiert und die konkreten Erfahrungen einbezogen, die Mütter und Hebammen mit den Gebärbecken gemacht haben

Sie bieten Müttern ausreichend Raum, um verschiedene Positionen auszuprobieren und diejenige zu finden, die für den Gebärvorgang am vorteilhaftesten ist

Hebammen können sich entspannt um die Mütter kümmern und sich darauf verlassen, dass bei der Gestaltung des Beckens jede erdenkliche geburtshilfliche Maßnahme berücksichtigt worden ist

Jedes Becken wird als nahtloses, solides Stück aus einem Guss handgefertigt und besteht aus Ficore® Verbundstruktur, einem patentierten Material von außergewöhnlicher Stabilität und Festigkeit, das sich angenehm, glatt und warm anfühlt

Mütter können über ein mehrfarbiges LED-Lichtsystem per Fernbedienung das Ambiente im Zimmer bestimmen und auf dem eingebauten Soundsystem mit Bluetooth-Empfänger ihre Lieblingsmusik abspielen

Jedes Detail des Designs, der Technik und der Fertigung ist mit dem Ziel gestaltet worden, Gebärbecken von außergewöhnlicher Qualität und höchster Wertbeständigkeit zu schaffen

Dieses kurze, einfache Video wurde auf YouTube bereits fast 12.000.000 Mal aufgerufen.

Es zeigt, wie Mütter instinktiv mit unseren Becken umgehen und sich natürlich bewegen, um die bequemsten und vorteilhaftesten Positionen zu finden.


Warum Active Geburtsbecken weltweit die Nr. 1 Wahl sind

Freiheit der Bewegung” erreicht 12.000.000 Aufrufe auf YouTube!