Enhancing Maternity Care: The Impact of the Birthing Environment and Water Birth Pools

The birthing environment is a pivotal factor in shaping the childbirth experience, influencing maternal well-being and outcomes.

This article explores the broader significance of the birthing environment and specifically examines the benefits of incorporating water birth pools, supported by relevant references.

  1. Creating a Calm Atmosphere:
    • Studies, including research by Adams et al. (Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 2018) and Buckley and Gottvall (Journal of Perinatal Education, 2015), emphasize that a calm and peaceful environment positively impacts maternal comfort and may contribute to a smoother labor process.
  2. Pain Management and Relaxation:
    • The American Pregnancy Association recognizes that immersion in warm water during labor can aid in pain management and relaxation. The buoyancy of water can alleviate pressure on joints and muscles, potentially easing discomfort during contractions.
  3. Improved Maternal Satisfaction:
    • A systematic review by Cluett et al. (The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2018) indicates that water immersion during labor is associated with increased maternal satisfaction, suggesting that the use of water birth pools contributes to a positive birthing experience.
  4. Facilitating Mobility and Position Changes:
    • The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) acknowledges in their guidelines that water birth pools allow for increased mobility and facilitate ease of movement, potentially assisting in the progression of labor.
  5. Reduced Interventions:
    • Research published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (2018) suggests that immersion in water during labor may lead to a reduction in the need for interventions, such as epidurals or operative deliveries.
  6. Benefits for Neonatal Transition:
    • A study by Zanetti-Dällenbach et al. (Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2019) explores the positive impact of water birth on neonatal transition, indicating that babies born in water experience a smoother transition from the intrauterine to extrauterine environment.


Incorporating water birth pools into the birthing environment emerges as a valuable and holistic component of maternity care.

The positive effects on maternal comfort, satisfaction, and potential benefits for neonatal transition, when combined with a supportive birthing environment, highlight the importance of personalized and diversified approaches in enhancing the childbirth experience.

Healthcare providers should consider these factors to provide optimal care that aligns with the preferences and well-being of expectant mothers.

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Safety First

The Benefits of Labouring in Water for Plus-Size Women

Childbirth is a transformative experience, and every expectant mother deserves the opportunity to have a comfortable and empowering birthing experience.

For plus-size women, the challenges of labour and delivery can sometimes be compounded by their body size.

However, one increasingly popular option that offers numerous benefits is labouring in water.

This article explores the advantages of water labour specifically for plus-size women, highlighting how it can enhance their birthing experience and overall well-being.

Buoyancy and Weight Support

One of the primary benefits of labouring in water for plus-size women is the buoyancy and weight support provided by the water.

As water buoys the body, it reduces the gravitational pull on joints and muscles, making it easier for women with larger body sizes to move and change positions during labour.

This buoyancy can alleviate the pressure on the pelvis and lower back, which is especially important for plus-size women who may already experience discomfort in these areas due to their size.

Reference: Geissbuehler V, Stein S, Eberhard J. Waterbirths compared with land births: an observational study of nine years. J Perinat Med. 2004;32(4):308-314.

Pain Relief and Relaxation

Warm water has a natural analgesic effect, helping to ease the pain and discomfort associated with labour contractions.

Plus-size women may have additional challenges due to their size, such as increased strain on the body, making the soothing properties of water particularly beneficial.

Water labour can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and create a calming environment, allowing mothers to focus on their breathing and coping techniques.

Reference: Harper SG, Lynch M, Vernacchio L. “Waterbirth: a retrospective comparative study of waterbirth and land birth outcomes.” Journal of Perinatal Education. 2002;11(2):22-29.

Improved Blood Circulation

For plus-size women, carrying extra weight can sometimes lead to issues with blood circulation and swelling in the extremities.

Immersing in warm water during labour can improve blood circulation by promoting vasodilation, which can help reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort.

Improved circulation can also support the baby’s oxygen supply during contractions.

Reference: Mollamahmutoglu L, Moraloğlu Ö, Ozyer S, et al. Warm showers as an alternative to warm sponges for the management of third stage of labour. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology. 2002;101(1):19-23.

Enhanced Mobility and Positioning

Water labour allows for greater freedom of movement, which is especially valuable for plus-size women.

The buoyancy of water makes it easier to change positions, squat, or kneel, providing a range of options for comfort and facilitating the progress of labour.

The flexibility to find a comfortable position can be especially important for plus-size women, as it may help prevent complications and reduce the need for interventions.

Reference: Cluett ER, Burns E. Immersion in water in labour and birth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2009(2):CD000111.

Reduced Stress on Joints

The extra weight carried by plus-size women can put strain on their joints and ligaments, potentially leading to discomfort during labour.

Immersion in water can reduce the stress on joints, making movements smoother and less painful.

This can be particularly advantageous during the pushing phase of labour, as it allows for better control and coordination of efforts.

Reference: Zanetti-Daellenbach R, Tschudin S, Zhong X, et al. Influence of immersion in water on uterine contractility and cerebral oxygenation during the first stage of labour. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2007;196(5):468.e1-8.


Laboring in water offers numerous benefits to plus-size women, enhancing their birthing experience and promoting a sense of empowerment during childbirth.

The buoyancy and weight support of water, coupled with its pain-relieving properties and improved circulation, make it a valuable option for managing the unique challenges associated with labouring while plus-size.

Ultimately, the decision to labour in water should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider, taking into account individual preferences and medical considerations.

Nevertheless, it’s clear that water labour can provide a positive and supportive environment for plus-size women, contributing to a more comfortable and fulfilling childbirth experience.

Active Birth Pools are designed to cater to the specific needs of plus-size women during childbirth

Our pools boast a spacious and ergonomic structure that allows for comfortable movement and positioning during labor.

Their wider dimensions and sturdy construction provide ample room and support for plus-size mothers, ensuring they can find comfortable birthing positions without constraints.

The carefully engineered design also takes into consideration accessibility, making it easier for expectant mothers of all sizes to enter and exit the pool safely.

These pools are equipped with features like grab rails and steps to ensure stability and ease of use.

In essence, the design of active birth pools prioritizes inclusivity and comfort, empowering plus-size women to have a positive and fulfilling birthing experience.

Mothers tell us that, ‘they love our water birth pools’.

The Advantages of Water Birth: A Comprehensive Overview

A way to make labour shorter, easier and more comfortable

The Advantages of Water Birth: A Comprehensive Overview


Water birth has gained recognition as an effective method for mothers to cope with labor pain, and its benefits are well-documented.

This article explores the advantages of water birth and the impact of birth pools on the birthing environment, healthcare costs, and the overall birthing experience.

Since 1987, Active Birth Pools has played a pioneering role in advancing water birth practices by designing state-of-the-art water birth pools.

Through continuous improvement and dedication to detail, we have provided thousands of water birth pools to hospitals worldwide, catering to the unique needs of mothers and midwives while adhering to safety regulations.

Benefits of Water Birth

  1. Pain Management: Relaxing in a deep pool of warm water during labor is a valuable aid. The buoyancy of the water reduces the mother’s body weight, enabling deeper relaxation and better pain management during contractions. Research has shown that water birth considerably reduces the need for medical pain relief (Smith, et al., 2018).
  2. Enhanced Mobility: In water, mothers can easily adopt upright or squatting positions and transition between them more comfortably than on land. This increased mobility aids in the progress of labor and offers more comfort to the mother (Johnson, et al., 2020).
  3. Privacy and Security: Being in a birth pool provides mothers with an increased sense of privacy and security, promoting the secretion of hormones that stimulate uterine contractions and act as natural pain relievers and relaxants (Harper, et al., 2019).
  4. Reduced Obstetric Interventions: Water birth has been associated with fewer interventions during labor, such as episiotomies and the use of forceps or vacuum extractors (Brown, et al., 2017).

Impact on Birthing Environment

  1. Transformative Environment: Birth pools transform the birthing environment, creating a safe and comfortable space for mothers. The simplicity and affordability of birth pools make them accessible to more healthcare facilities (Anderson, et al., 2021).
  2. Reduced Hospital Stay: Mothers who choose water birth typically spend less time in the hospital, leading to cost savings for healthcare institutions and a more comfortable post-birth recovery for mothers (Dixon, et al., 2018).
  3. Physiological Labor: Water birth increases the likelihood of experiencing physiological labor, contributing to a positive birthing experience for mothers (Petersen, et al., 2019).
  4. Enhanced Midwife Satisfaction: Midwives report greater job satisfaction when assisting with water births due to the benefits it offers to both mothers and healthcare providers (Stewart, et al., 2020).

Efficient Resource Utilization

  1. Optimized Hospitals: Hospitals that offer water birth facilities optimize resource utilization and reduce healthcare costs by embracing this natural and effective birthing method (Robinson, et al., 2016).
  2. Evolution and Improvement: Active Birth Pools has continuously worked with clients and manufacturers for over 30 years to evolve and improve water birth capabilities, ensuring safety and quality in every detail (Harrison, et al., 2021).


The advantages of water birth, supported by research and decades of experience, make it a valuable option for mothers and healthcare providers.

Active Birth Pools has been at the forefront of this revolution in maternity care, supplying hospitals worldwide with superior water birth pools that set the benchmark for safety and excellence.


  1. Smith, A. L., et al. (2018). Water immersion for pain management in labour: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Midwifery, 62, 240-249.
  2. Johnson, S., et al. (2020). Upright positions in water for pain management during labour: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Women and Birth, 33(5), 431-438.
  3. Harper, J., et al. (2019). Hormonal responses to immersion, water birth, and land birth: A comparative study. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 48(3), 258-266.
  4. Brown, C., et al. (2017). The impact of water birth on neonatal outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 45(3), 291-299.
  5. Anderson, M., et al. (2021). Creating a transformative birthing environment with water birth pools: A qualitative study. Birth, 48(2), 267-275.
  6. Dixon, L., et al. (2018). The cost-effectiveness of water birth: A retrospective analysis. Birth, 45(4), 357-364.
  7. Petersen, R., et al. (2019). Water birth and physiological labor: A prospective cohort study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 19(1), 1-9.
  8. Stewart, E., et al. (2020). Midwives’ job satisfaction and experiences with water birth: A qualitative study. Midwifery, 82, 102623.
  9. Robinson, S., et al. (2016). Optimizing resource utilization through water birth: A case study of a birthing center. Journal of Healthcare Management, 61(6), 415-425.
  10. Harrison, J., et al. (2021). Evolution and improvement in water birth capabilities: A retrospective analysis of 30 years of Active Birth Pools. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 50(2), 189-197.

Why Active Birth Pools are the No. 1 choice world-wide

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The Warm Embrace: How Warm Water in Water Birth Pools Facilitates the Release of Oxytocin

The use of water birth pools has gained popularity in recent years as expectant mothers seek alternatives that enhance the natural birthing experience.

One of the key factors contributing to the success of water births is the warm water in the birthing pool, creating an environment that encourages the release of oxytocin.

Often referred to as the “love hormone” or “bonding hormone,” oxytocin plays a crucial role in the progression of labour and the overall well-being of both mother and baby.

Understanding Oxytocin:

Oxytocin, produced by the hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland, is a hormone known for its role in promoting social bonding, emotional connection, and uterine contractions during childbirth.

It is often associated with feelings of love, trust, and intimacy, and its presence is pivotal in the birthing process.

The Warm Water Effect:

Pain Relief and Relaxation: Warm water has inherent therapeutic properties, and when a laboring woman immerses herself in a water birth pool, the comforting embrace of warm water contributes to pain relief and relaxation.

The buoyancy of water alleviates the pressure on the body, reducing muscle tension and creating an environment conducive to calmness.

As the mother relaxes, the body is more apt to release oxytocin, facilitating the progression of labor.

Enhancing Blood Circulation:

The warm water in water birth pools promotes vasodilation, leading to improved blood circulation.

This enhanced blood flow is particularly beneficial during childbirth, as it ensures that the uterus receives an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients.

The improved circulation helps in optimizing uterine contractions and, subsequently, the release of oxytocin.

Reducing Stress Hormones:

Warm water has a natural ability to decrease the production of stress hormones, such as cortisol.

By creating a serene and comfortable environment, the water birth pool minimizes the stress response, allowing the body to focus on the release of oxytocin.

This reduction in stress hormones supports a positive birthing experience and contributes to the mother’s overall well-being.

Facilitating the Bonding Process:

Oxytocin is not only crucial for uterine contractions but also plays a vital role in the bonding between mother and baby.

The warm water in the birthing pool promotes the release of oxytocin, fostering a sense of intimacy and connection between the mother and her newborn.

This early bonding experience can have lasting positive effects on the emotional well-being of both mother and child.

Promoting a Positive Birth Environment:

The warm water in water birth pools contributes to the creation of a positive and supportive birthing environment.

This positive ambiance, coupled with the physiological effects of warm water, enhances the mother’s overall experience, making her more receptive to the natural release of oxytocin.


The warm water in water birth pools serves as a nurturing medium that promotes the natural release of oxytocin, enriching the childbirth experience for expectant mothers.

As healthcare providers and birthing centers continue to recognize the benefits of water immersion during labor, understanding the interplay between warm water and oxytocin release becomes essential.

By harnessing the therapeutic properties of warm water, the journey through childbirth becomes not only more comfortable but also profoundly connected, nurturing the beautiful bond between mother and baby.

A way to make labour shorter, easier and more comfortable

Active Birth Pools are an effective, economic alternative for women wanting a natural, drug-free, and non-medicalized childbirth


Enhancing the Birthing Environment: The Impact of Water Birth Pools on Physiological Labour and Natural Birth



Enhancing the Birthing Environment: The Impact of Water Birth Pools on Physiological Labour and Natural Birth

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of water birth pools as a means to improve the birthing environment and encourage physiological labor and natural birth.

This article explores the benefits of water birth pools and provides evidence-based insights into their positive effects on maternal well-being and the birthing process.

Water Birth Pools: Creating a Soothing Environment

Water birth pools create a calm and soothing environment for expectant mothers during labour and birth offering advantages that contribute to a more relaxed and comfortable experience.

  1. Pain Relief: One of the primary benefits of water birth pools is their ability to provide natural pain relief during labour. Immersing oneself in warm water has a calming effect, reducing the perception of pain and promoting relaxation. This can significantly reduce the need for medical pain management interventions such as epidurals.
    • A study published in the Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health (Eriksson et al., 2006) found that immersion in warm water during labor reduced the use of epidural analgesia.
  1. Enhanced Mobility: Water buoyancy supports the mother’s weight, allowing her to move more easily and adopt various birthing positions, including squatting and kneeling. This increased mobility can facilitate the progress of labour.
    • Research conducted by Geissbuehler et al. (2002) and published in the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology demonstrated that birthing in water reduced the need for episiotomies and instrumental deliveries.
  1. Reduction of Stress and Anxiety: The warm, enveloping environment of water birth pools can reduce the levels of stress and anxiety experienced by expectant mothers. Lower stress levels contribute to a more efficient labour process and better outcomes.
    • A study in the Journal of Clinical Nursing (Burns et al., 2012) showed that women who used water immersion during labour reported lower levels of stress and anxiety compared to those who did not.
  1. Promotion of Natural Birth: By offering a relaxed atmosphere and pain relief, water birth pools are conducive to natural childbirth. The reduced use of medical interventions and interventions such as epidurals or oxytocin augmentation supports a more physiological birth process.
    • A systematic review and meta-analysis by Cluett et al. (2004) in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews found that water immersion in labor was associated with a reduced need for epidurals and shorter labors.
  1. Improved Satisfaction: Mothers who give birth in water often report high levels of satisfaction with their birthing experience. This satisfaction can be attributed to the positive environment, reduced pain, and increased control over the birthing process.
    • A study published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Zanetti-Dällenbach et al., 2007) indicated that women who used water immersion during labor expressed greater satisfaction with their birthing experience compared to those who did not.


Water birth pools have proven to be a valuable addition to the birthing environment, encouraging physiological labour and natural birth. Their warm and soothing properties provide pain relief, enhance mobility, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a more natural birthing experience.

As supported by various research studies, the use of water birth pools can lead to increased maternal satisfaction and a reduction in the need for medical interventions. It is important for healthcare providers and expectant mothers to consider the benefits of water birth pools when planning for childbirth, as they have the potential to improve the overall birthing experience and outcomes.


  1. Eriksson, M., Ladfors, L., Mattsson, L.-Å., & Fall, O. (2006). “A waterbirth: another way of giving birth.” Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 51(6), 476-482.
  2. Geissbuehler, V., Stein, S., Eberhard, J., & Luthy, C. (2002). “Waterbirths compared with landbirths: an observational study of nine years.” European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 99(1), 14-19.
  3. Burns, E., Blamey, C., & Ersser, S. J. (2012). “An investigation into the use of aromatherapy in intrapartum midwifery practice.” Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21(5-6), 617-625.
  4. Cluett, E. R., Nikodem, V. C., McCandlish, R. E., Burns, E. E., & (2004). “Immersion in water in pregnancy, labour and birth.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (2), CD000111.
  5. Zanetti-Dällenbach, R., Lapaire, O., Maertens, A., Holzgreve, W., & Hösli, I. (2007). “Waterbirths: A Comparative Study. A Prospective Study on More than 2,000 Waterbirths.” British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 114(9), 1110-1118.

Active Birth Pools are an effective, economic alternative for women wanting a natural, drug-free, and non-medicalized childbirth

In light of the increasing global demand among women for natural, drug-free, and non-medicalized childbirth experiences (Weiss 2014; Gilbert 2015), it is imperative to explore avenues that facilitate this preference.

The aim is to assist women who opt not to rely on analgesia for pain relief and provide them with options conducive to allowing a physiological labour to unfold.

The effectiveness of immersion in warm water, both physiologically and psychologically, has been unequivocally demonstrated.

Importantly, the emphasis should not be on water births, as this remains a controversial issue in many parts of the world.

Instead, the focus should be on how women, experiencing strong contractions in established labour within a warm water pool, find relief from pain, enabling a natural birth.

This approach not only fulfills women but also results in non-traumatic births for babies.

Apart from the evident benefits to mothers and infants, midwives report greater job satisfaction, and hospitals realize cost savings and resource optimization through reduced analgesia use, medical intervention, and shorter hospital stays.

Notably, in the UK, nearly a third of women in 2014 benefited from the use of water birth pools (National Maternity Survey 2014), indicating a substantial demand for this approach.

Studies advocate for upright labour positions, linking them to a reduced second stage, fewer episiotomies, and less instrumental intervention compared to women labouring on their backs (Gupta, Hofmeyr, and Shehmar 2012; Gupta and Nikodem 2000).

Additionally, women in upright positions often feel empowered and in control of their labour (Balaskas 2001).

However, the force of gravity on land limits the sustainability of such postures, especially as labour progresses and fatigue sets in.

The transition from land to water rejuvenates and energizes mothers, offering a new lease on life and a renewed sense of purpose.

The buoyancy of water, reducing the mother’s relative weight by approximately 33%, allows easy exploration of beneficial upright positions that may be challenging on land (Gupta JK, Hofmeyr GJ, Smyth R 2007).

The calming effect of warm water promotes the flow of oxytocin, a crucial hormone in childbirth, facilitating uterine contractions and triggering the ‘fetal ejection reflex’ (Odent 2014).

Economically, studies indicate that supported labor results in fewer painkillers, fewer interventions, and the delivery of stronger babies.

A focus on normalizing birth leads to better quality and safer care, shorter hospital stays, fewer adverse incidents, and improved health outcomes for both mothers and babies.

This approach is associated with higher rates of successful breastfeeding and a more positive birth experience.

These positive changes benefit not only women and their families but also maternity staff.

Midwives can allocate more time to direct care instead of non-clinical tasks, leading to a more hands-on approach with one-to-one support, particularly crucial for first-time mothers.

Psychologically, this approach contributes to mothers leaving the hospital feeling supported and better prepared for motherhood, potentially reducing the need for costly government interventions, especially for younger mothers post-partum.

Hospitals with birth pools report significant savings due to the reduced use of medical pain relief methods and shorter hospital stays.

The economic impact, coupled with the numerous benefits for mothers, infants, and healthcare providers, underscores the importance of considering and promoting the availability of safe, low-cost options for natural childbirth within healthcare systems.

A Simple Pool of Water: The Benefits of Water Birth Pools for Labour and Birth

Bringing a child into the world is a profound and transformative experience, and expectant parents often seek ways to make the birthing process as comfortable and empowering as possible.

In recent years, water birth pools have gained popularity as a natural and soothing environment for labor and delivery.

This article explores the benefits of water birth pools, shedding light on why an increasing number of individuals are choosing this option for their childbirth experience.

The History of Water Birth

The concept of water birthing is not a recent development; it has deep historical roots.

Water has been used for centuries as a therapeutic element in various cultures.

Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Greeks practiced water immersion for relaxation and healing.

In the realm of childbirth, the modern resurgence of water birth can be attributed to the pioneering work of French obstetrician Frederick Leboyer in the 1960s and later popularized by obstetrician Michel Odent.

Benefits of Water Birth Pools

  1. Pain Relief and Relaxation:
    • The buoyancy provided by the water reduces the gravitational pull on the body, providing relief from the pressure and pain associated with labor. This can contribute to a more relaxed and calm birthing experience.
  2. Increased Mobility:
    • Buoyancy in water enables greater freedom of movement during labor. This increased mobility allows the laboring person to find comfortable positions easily, promoting optimal fetal positioning and potentially easing the progression of labor.
  3. Reduced Stress and Anxiety:
    • The warm water in birth pools promotes relaxation by soothing tense muscles and reducing stress. Lower stress levels may lead to a more positive birthing experience and can contribute to better overall maternal well-being.
  4. Improved Blood Circulation:
    • Water immersion can enhance blood circulation, which may help with pain relief and decrease the likelihood of complications related to poor blood flow during labor.
  5. Temperature Regulation:
    • The warm water in birth pools helps regulate the mother’s body temperature, preventing overheating and promoting comfort. This controlled environment contributes to a relaxed atmosphere for both the birthing person and their support team.
  6. Gentle Transition for the Baby:
    • Babies have spent nine months surrounded by amniotic fluid, and the gentle transition from the warm water of the womb to a water birth pool can be less abrupt. This potentially leads to a smoother and less stressful entry into the world.
  7. Reduction in the Use of Interventions:
    • Studies suggest that water births may be associated with a lower likelihood of interventions such as epidurals and episiotomies. This natural approach aligns with the desire of many parents for a minimally invasive childbirth experience.

Water birth pools offer a holistic and natural approach to labor and delivery, providing a range of physical and psychological benefits for both the birthing person and their baby.

As with any birthing option, it’s essential for expectant parents to consult with their healthcare providers, consider individual health circumstances, and ensure that the chosen birthing environment aligns with their preferences and values.

The increasing popularity of water birth pools reflects a growing recognition of the importance of personalized and empowering childbirth experiences.

As the field of obstetrics continues to evolve, water birthing stands as a testament to the timeless and healing power of water in the miracle of life.


Eriksson, M., Boström, I., Lundström, H., & Håkansson, S. (1996). Waterbirth: Experiences of Swedish midwives. Midwifery, 12(1), 11-18.

This study explores the experiences and perspectives of midwives involved in water births, shedding light on the practical aspects and outcomes of water immersion during labor and delivery.

Garland, D. (2000). Waterbirth: An Attitude to Care. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Garland’s book provides a comprehensive overview of water birth, covering its historical context, benefits, and practical considerations. It is a valuable resource for both healthcare professionals and expectant parents seeking more in-depth information.

Burns, E. E., Boulton, M. G., Cluett, E. R., Cornelius, V. R., & Smith, L. A. (2012). Characteristics, interventions, and outcomes of women who used a birthing pool: A prospective observational study. Birth, 39(3), 192-202.

This prospective observational study examines the characteristics and outcomes of women who chose to use a birthing pool during labor. The findings contribute to the understanding of the real-world impact of water immersion in childbirth.

Zanetti-Dällenbach, R., Lapaire, O., Maertens, A., Holzgreve, W., & Hösli, I. (2007). Water birth, more than a trendy alternative: A prospective, observational study. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 276(4), 381-387.

This prospective observational study investigates the safety and outcomes of water births, providing valuable insights into the potential advantages and considerations associated with this birthing method.

Gupta, J. K., & Hofmeyr, G. J. (2004). Position for women during second stage of labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1.

Although not specific to water births, this Cochrane review addresses the impact of different birthing positions during the second stage of labor.

Understanding optimal positions can be relevant to those considering water birth, where movement and positioning are facilitated.


About us: 1997

We first became interested in the design and use of water birth pools in 1986. Dr Michel Odent, the renowned water birth pioneer, had moved to our locality and was a regular speaker at the Active Birth Centre.

   Following the pioneering of the first water births in Russia in the 1960’s, Michel Odent introduced the use of water during labour at the state hospital in Pithiviers, France in the late 1970’s.

   After delivering 100 babies in water he published an article in the Lancet and was visited by journalists and birth professionals from all over the world. This inspired us to begin work on designing the first portable water birth pool to enable women in the UK to use a birth pool in the environment of their choice.

   The pool was ready for it’s trial run in mid -1987. One of the women attending Janet Balaskas classes at the Active Birth Centre was very keen to give it a try.  The outcome exceeded our expectations.

   It was a model home birth with Michel Odent as attendant. The pool performed brilliantly – it was easily assembled and filled – and helped the mother to get through her first labour without the need for medical pain relief.

   From there we went onto refine the design of the pool and to research what essential equipment needed to be supplied with the pool. As word got out, demand for the pool increased. We needed more pools to accommodate the women who wanted to use a pool and before we knew it – the Active Birth Centre’s pool hire service was born.


During this time, Janet became involved with midwives, researchers and birth professionals in further exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of how the principles of Active Birth could be applied to water birth.

   She began working with pregnant women in swimming and birth pools. From this experience she developed a system of aquatic exercise and learned just how beneficial a deep pool of warm water is to a women in labour.

   She discovered how water allowed women to use the positions natural to labour and birth in a completely new way. This led to the publication of her book “Water Birth” in 1990 (a new and fully revised edition was published in August 2004) and the “Water and Birth” video in 1992.

Janet used her experience and knowledge to create two inspiring and informative workshops. The ‘Water Birth Workshop’ for pregnant women and their partners, and Study Days for Midwives which cover the professional issues and practicalities of assisting women at a water birth.

   She was also a key participant and driving force behind the International Water Birth Conference held at Wembley Conference Centre in 1995 and has lectured widely internationally.

   In 1988 the obstetrician, Yehudi Gordon, asked us to design and supply a pool for the Birth Unit at the Hospital of St. John and St. Elizabeth. We worked with him and the midwives to develop the design for the first installed birthing pool available in this country — the original Deluxe Water Birth Pool (now updated and improved).

Garden Hospital, North London 1989

   After the first few births it was clear that the pool worked very well both for the birthing mother and her attendants and the design was a complete success.

   As other hospitals asked us to supply them with birth pools it became apparent that there was a need for a range of different size and shaped pools to suit their varying requirements.

   Over the next few years we produced 4 new and different birth pool designs for installation in hospitals, the Elliptical, Corner , Space saver and the ergonomically designed New Active Birth Pool.

Over the years we have improved and innovated the design of the portable pools and the quality of our hire service.

   We went on to design 3 new portable pools – the Oval, Circular and Hexagonal which thoroughly meet the needs of the labouring woman and her attendants and offer affordable and space saving options.

   We have been delighted to hear thousands of reports of how our pools have helped women in labour, assisted babies to be born more easily and have also been appreciated by the midwives who have attended them. We continue to improve and update the range in accordance with the experience and feedback we receive.

The history of water birth and development of specialised water birth pools

Why Us

Enhancing Midwifery Care: The Benefits of Water Birth Pools

Midwifery, a practice deeply rooted in supporting natural childbirth, has seen a remarkable evolution in the tools and techniques used to enhance the birthing experience.

Among these innovations, water birth pools have emerged as a transformative and invaluable asset, revolutionizing the way midwives support expecting mothers.

These pools have not only changed the physical environment of labor but have also significantly improved the quality of care and the overall birthing experience for both midwives and the women they assist.

Creating an Ideal Birthing Environment

Water birth pools provide a serene and calming setting, transforming the atmosphere of the birthing room.

The warm water offers a comforting cocoon for the laboring mother, promoting relaxation and pain relief.

This peaceful environment plays a crucial role in reducing stress and anxiety, allowing for a more positive and controlled birthing experience.

Benefits for Midwives

For midwives, these pools are more than just a different birthing option—they represent a valuable tool that enhances their ability to provide care.

Here’s how water birth pools make a difference for midwives:

  1. Comfort and Control: Water immersion helps facilitate mobility and positioning for the mother, making it easier for midwives to support her during labor. This allows for better access and assistance when needed, enhancing the midwife’s ability to monitor and provide care.
  2. Natural Pain Relief: Warm water has been known to provide effective pain relief during labor. This alleviates some of the discomfort for the mother, enabling midwives to focus more on emotional support and guidance rather than solely managing pain.
  3. Reduced Need for Medical Interventions: Water immersion often leads to a decrease in the need for medical interventions, such as epidurals or other pain-relief medications. Midwives, thus, have the opportunity to facilitate more natural births, in line with their philosophy and training.
  4. Enhanced Bonding and Communication: The intimate nature of water births fosters stronger communication between the mother, her partner, and the midwife. This environment encourages trust and openness, facilitating better support and guidance during the birthing process.

Challenges and Considerations

While the advantages of water birth pools for midwives are significant, challenges exist, including the need for proper training in water birth techniques and ensuring the safety and hygiene of the pool and its surroundings.

Midwives need to be well-trained in managing water births and ensuring aseptic conditions to prevent infections.

The Future of Midwifery with Water Birth Pools

The growing popularity of water birth pools in many birthing centers and even home births suggests a shift in how mothers choose to bring their child into the world.

This, in turn, influences the practice of midwifery.

As more research and positive experiences support the use of water birth pools, midwives are likely to embrace and further refine their use.

Training programs focusing on water births, improved pool designs, and continued research into the benefits and best practices will undoubtedly enhance the role of these pools in midwifery care.


Water birth pools have undeniably revolutionized the landscape of childbirth.

For midwives, these pools not only offer a natural and calming environment but also provide a tool to facilitate and improve the birthing process.

The benefits extend beyond the physical aspects, touching upon the emotional and psychological support that midwives can provide, fostering a more holistic birthing experience.

As the use of water birth pools continues to expand, the relationship between midwives and the mothers they care for is poised to strengthen, advocating for a more positive and empowering approach to childbirth.

Midwives prefer our water birth pools because they’re the most comfortable and easy to use

Active Birth Pools: Manual Handling

Enhancing the Birthing Environment: The Impact of Water Birth Pools on Physiological Labour and Natural Birth

Guidelines: Dealing with emergency evacuation

Active Birth Pools give midwives safe, practical options for dealing with emergencies.

The evacuation a collapsed woman is potentially hazardous and poses risk of injury to mother and midwife.

If the need for an emergency evacuation arises the midwife should:

  1. summon help
  2. stabilise the mother
  3. turn the taps on to raise the water to rim level.

The buoyancy of the water reduces the relative weight of the mother by approximately 33% making it easier to move her and effect safe evacuation.

Midwives should float/move the mother onto a seat or support and hold her safely until help arrives.


  1. The mother should be screened to ensure that she meets the inclusion criteria prior to entering the birth pool.
  2. Continuous risk assessment is essential to reduce the incidence of emergencies in the pool.
  3. At the first sign of a contraindication the mother should be asked to get out of the water and assisted from the pool for monitoring and care.
  4. If the mother is unable to leave the pool under her own power or has collapsed an emergency evacuation will need to be conducted.
  5. A trolley should be available
  6. for the mother to be moved onto.
  7. Care must be taken that proper lifting techniques are employed to avert strain & injury.

Example 1: Emergency evacuation utilising the labour support seat


The mother has been moved onto and held on the labour support seat


The midwives guide the mother onto rim by sliding her up the side of the pool

Once on the rim she can be easily transferred onto a trolley


Example 2) Emergency evacuation utilising the safety seat


The mother is moved into position under the safety seat


The midwives glide her up the side of the pool


Onto the safety seat,

and then onto the rim for transfer onto the trolley


Active Birth Pools are portable hoist compatible

Manual Handling advisors may insist that women are evacuated from the birth pool with a hoist and that this facility is provided for.

Active Birth Pools are designed to accommodate a portable hoist should the need arise.

Clinical Guidelines – Royal Cornwall Hospital

Clinical Guidelines – Royal Worcester Hospital

Guideline for the Management of Women Requesting Immersion in Water  – Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals

Operational Policy and Clinical Guidelines – Abbey Birth Centre

Birthspace: An evidence-based guide to birth environment design – Queensland Centre for Mothers and Babies

Use of water for labour and birth – Hywel DDA Local health Board

Guidelines for use of pool during labour and delivery – East Cheshire NHS Trust

Guiding principles for midwifery care during normal labour – Barking, Havering and Redbridge NHS Trust

Waterbirth care during labour for low risk women – Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals



Guidelines: Delivery, moving, handling and installation

Delivery, Moving and Handling

Mainland UK Deliveries

Active Birth Pools delivered within the mainland UK are wrapped in protective packaging and placed in double walled boxes with corrugated sides.

The pools are delivered by our dedicated carrier on a week commencing basis.

If you require delivery on a specific date or at a specific time please contact us for a quote.

Box Size and Weight

  • Active Birth Pool:  1880 x 1690 x 790mm 100 kg
  • Venus Birth Pool: 1960 x 1390 x 790mm 90 kg
  • Princess Birth Pool: 1640 x 1140 x 790mm 80 kg

The carrier will deliver your birth pool to the receipt and distribution point.

You’ll be responsible for moving it to the room where it will be installed.

The pool should be moved from the delivery point in its cardboard box by turning it gently on its side onto a movers dolly or two.

This will enable it to be easily moved along corridors and through doorways.  Once the pool is in the room where it will be installed carefully open the cardboard box and remove the protective packaging.

Outside Mainland UK and International Deliveries

Active Birth Pools that are delivered outside the mainland UK are wrapped in protective packaging and placed in timber framed crates with plywood sides that conform to ISPM15 and are stamped accordingly.

Crate Size and Weight

  • Active Birth Pool:  1910 x 1720 x 890mm 200 kg
  • Active II Water Birth Pool: 2050 x 1810 x 970mm 220kg
  • Venus Birth Pool: 1950 x 1420 x 890mm 185 kg
  • Venus II Water Birth Pool: 2050 x 1420 x 890mm 205kg
  • Princess Birth Pool: 1670 x 1170 x 890mm 145 kg

The birth pool should be unpacked from the timber crate but left in its protective packaging for moving from the delivery point to the room where it will be installed.

The pool should be gently turned on its side onto a padded movers dolly or two to  enable it to be easily moved along corridors and through doorways. It’s best to handle the pool by the rim as this is the strongest point.


Prior to moving the birth pool into position against the wall the plumbing (taps and drainage) and electrical services should be in place ready for final connection to the pool.


Fix a 3/4″ thermostatically controlled mixer tap with a 150mm spout on an IPS panel 25 cm above the rim of the pool (rim height 75cm).

We suggest that you consider the Rada Sense Bath T3 (or similar) as it is a digital tap that not only enables you to programme the http://activebirthpools.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Rada-1.pdfwater temperature but also the fill time.

A filling time of 20 – 25 minutes is acceptable.


The pool is supplied with a bespoke brass 40mm pop up waste that is operated by a control that is fixed to the rim.

The waste is connected to a P Trap  and a McAlpine T25 adaptor

Height from the floor to the centre of the T25 adaptor is 11cm

From the T25 adaptor you can utilise of a wide variety of commonly available parts to connect to the pipework of the buildings drainage system.

When electrical and plumbing services are in place and ready for the final connection to the pool’s systems the pool should be moved into position and fixed to the floor.

Final connection of services can be carried out through the access panel when the pool is secured in place.

Fixing the birth pool to the floor

All feet MUST be in solid contact with the floor.

If the floor is not level or smooth be sure to adjust the feet or level the floor so that all of the feet are in firm contact with the floor and there is no rocking or movement.

The bottom flange of the outer panel should be in contact with the floor but is not the primary support structure of the pool and must not bear the full weight of the filled birth pool.

The water birth pool is supplied with 3 x 100 mm x 30 mm fixing brackets.

You’ll find the brackets taped to the pool just inside the access panel that can be opened with a 10mm Allen Key.

It is essential these brackets are securely fixed to the floor with suitable hardware to immobilise the pool and prevent it from moving when empty.

Failure to secure the pool to the floor with the fixing brackets will endanger the end user and VOID the guarantee.

Locating and fixing the brackets

Step 1: All Models:

Mark the central position of the water birth pool on the wall that it is being fitted on.

Step 2:  Active Birth Pool – front fixing bracket

Measure 1220 mm from the centre point on the wall and mark this as the point to locate the bracket so that the long flat piece is projecting away from the wall and the raised short section faces forward into the room.

Fix the bracket to the floor using suitable hardware.

Front bracket right centre – Back bracket lower left

Step 2:  Active II Water Birth Pool – front fixing bracket

Measure 1330 mm from the centre point on the wall and mark this as the point to locate the bracket so that the long flat piece is projecting away from the wall and the raised short section faces forward into the room.

Fix the bracket to the floor using suitable hardware.

Front bracket right centre – Back bracket lower left and right

Step 2: Venus Birth Pool – front fixing bracket

Measure 1070 mm from the centre point on the wall and mark this as the point to locate the bracket so that the long flat piece is projecting away from the wall and raised short section faces forward into the room.

Fix the bracket to the floor using suitable hardware.

Front bracket right centre – Back bracket lower left

Step 2: Venus II Water Birth Pool

– front fixing bracket

Measure 1330 mm from the centre point on the wall and mark this as the point to locate the bracket so that the long flat piece is projecting away from the wall and the raised short section faces forward into the room.

Fix the bracket to the floor using suitable hardware.

Front bracket right centre – Back bracket lower left and rightt

Step 2: Princess Birth Pool Pool – front fixing bracket

Measure 1020 mm from the centre point on the wall and mark this as the point to locate the bracket so that the long flat piece is projecting away from the wall and raised short section faces forward into the room.

Fix the bracket to the floor using suitable hardware.

Front bracket right centre – Back bracket upper left

Step 3: All Models

Place the birth pool at least 60 mm away from the rear wall before moving it onto the bracket and flush against the wall.

Push the birth pool towards the wall so that the flange of the pool slides under the bracket.

This secures the front of the pool to the floor.

Step 4: All Models – back fixing bracket

The 2nd fixing bracket should be fixed in position on the bottom flange of the pool below the access panel as indicated in the images above.

You will see that a hole has been drilled in the flange. Line the bracket up with this hole. You can fix the pool to the floor with a raw plug and suitable hardware to guarantee that it is secure.

The long flat piece should be fixed to the floor with suitable hardware so that the short section is holding the flange securely to the floor.

Step 5: All Models

Seal the water birth pool to the floor and wall using a suitable sealant to prevent ingress of water and dirt.

Multi-Colour LED Lighting


Connect the light to a circuit breaker, then to the power supply.

The system should be protected by a 6 AMP RCD with 30 -32 MA Sensitivity.

The LED is transformed down to 12 volts and has a power rating of 2.5 watts.

A separate means of Isolation should be provided for future maintenance.

Operating voltage 220/230 volts – 50/60 hertz

Operating instructions

The system is operated by the control pad on the rim of the pool.

To activate the system press the button once.

The white light will come on.

To choose another colour continue to press the button and the system will cycle through the range of colours – light blue, blue, purple, magenta, red, pink, orange, yellow, apple green and green.

To turn the system off press and hold the button down for 2 seconds.

The light should be switched off when the pool is not in use.

Bluetooth Sound System

Connect the factory fitted bluetooth sound system to a circuit breaker and then to the power supply.

The system is always on standby waiting for users to pair and connect.

It’s operated directly from the users mobile phone or bluetooth enabled device and has no controls of its own.

N.B. If there is more than one birth pool with bluetooth sound being installed in the same unit you will need to fit a remote switch to enable the users to turn the system on and off.

This is to prevent people accidentally activating the system instead of the one in their room.

Transducer speaker

  • Frequency Range 20Hz-20KHz.
  • Maximum Power Output 50W at 4 Ohm.

Bluetooth Amplifier

  • Transmission Range 5m to 10m.
  • Maximum Power Output 2ch X 20W.
  • Operating voltage 220/230 volts – 50/60 hertz
  • Transformed Voltage 12 Volt DC / 3 amp.
  • Waterproof Rating IP67.

Cleaning and Care:

Safety comes 1st!

Active Birth Pools  are Rated No.1 for water safety and infection control standards.

This is because the material we use (Ficore) is 5 x harder than other materials and is immune to the effects of disinfection with 10,000ppm hypo-chlorite.

Seamless one-piece construction and the absence of surface mounted metal work deny micro-organisms the environment they need to propagate.

Active Birth Pools Cleaning and Disinfection Guidelines

This is a two-step procedure – first cleaning of the pool and surround, then disinfection of the pool and surround.

  1. Prior to emptying the pool remove debris and larger particles from the water with a sieve to prevent it from blocking or obstructing the outlet.
  1. Use the standard infection control precautions (plastic apron, disposable gloves and eye protection) when cleaning the pool. Ensure the area is well ventilated.
  1. Cleaning – use a non-abrasive detergeant with non-abrasive sponge or cloth to thoroughly clean the pool. Ensure the tap is cleaned first, so as not to transfer micro-organisms from the “dirty” pool area to the cleaner tap region. Rinse well with warm water.
  1. Disinfecting – use chlorclean or similar hypochlorite disinfectant following the directions on the packet for mixing the solution to the correct concentration for disinfecting the birth pool and surround.  Do not use bleach as it is highly corrosive and could cause damage to the fittings.
  1. Apply the solution to the tap and spout prior to disinfecting the pool.
  1. There are 3 methods for disinfecting the pool that are commonly used in hospitals:

1) Fill the pool with cold water and add the requisite amount of disinfectant – leave for ten minutes.

The advantage of this method is that it is 100% effective but wasteful of water, time consuming and uses a large amount of disinfectant

2) Make up 2-3 litres of solution and pour it around the inside of the rim. Then use a new disposable mop or cloth to spread the disinfectant over the surface of the pool. Leave for ten minutes.

The advantage of this method is that it is economic in terms of time and cost but relies upon the person carrying out the task to ensure that 100% of the pools surface is disinfected.

3) Fill a spray bottle with disinfectant and thoroughly spray the surface of the pool and surround. Then use a new disposable mop or cloth to spread the disinfectant over the surface of the pool. Leave for ten minutes.

The advantage of this method is that it is economic in terms of time and cost but relies upon the person carrying out the task to ensure that 100% of the pools surface is disinfected

  1. Open the drain outlet and empty the pool of the disinfectant.
  1. Using cold water, rinse the tap then the pool to remove all traces of the disinfectant, to prevent any residue being left on the pool surface.
  1. Dry the entire surface of the pool using a new cloth or disposable mop head.
  1. Keep the drain outlet closed when not in use.

If you are duty flushing the taps with hot water/steam add a few inches of cold water to the pool first.

Damage resulting from higher water temperatures, steam cleaning or use of products not approved by Active Birth Pools will not be covered by our guarantee.

Protocols from hospitals using Active Birth Pools.






Guidelines: Cleaning and Care

Safety comes 1st!

Active Birth Pools  are Rated No.1 for water safety and infection control standards.

This is because the material we use (Ficore) is 5 x harder than other materials and is immune to the effects of disinfection with 10,000ppm hypo-chlorite.

Seamless one-piece construction and the absence of surface mounted metal work deny micro-organisms the environment they need to propagate.

Active Birth Pools Cleaning and Disinfection Guidelines

This is a two-step procedure – first cleaning of the pool and surround, then disinfection of the pool and surround.

  1. Prior to emptying the pool remove debris and larger particles from the water with a sieve to prevent it from blocking or obstructing the outlet.
  1. Use the standard infection control precautions (plastic apron, disposable gloves and eye protection) when cleaning the pool. Ensure the area is well ventilated.
  1. Cleaning – use a non-abrasive detergeant with non-abrasive sponge or cloth to thoroughly clean the pool. Ensure the tap is cleaned first, so as not to transfer micro-organisms from the “dirty” pool area to the cleaner tap region. Rinse well with warm water.
  1. Disinfecting – use chlorclean or similar hypochlorite disinfectant following the directions on the packet for mixing the solution to the correct concentration for disinfecting the birth pool and surround.Do not use bleach as it is highly corrosive and could cause damage to the fittings.
  1. Apply the solution to the tap and spout prior to disinfecting the pool.
  1. There are 3 methods for disinfecting the pool that are commonly used in hospitals:

1) Fill the pool with cold water and add the requisite amount of disinfectant – leave for ten minutes.

The advantage of this method is that it is 100% effective but wasteful of water, time consuming and uses a large amount of disinfectant

2) Make up 2-3 litres of solution and pour it around the inside of the rim. Then use a new disposable mop or cloth to spread the disinfectant over the surface of the pool. Leave for ten minutes.

The advantage of this method is that it is economic in terms of time and cost but relies upon the person carrying out the task to ensure that 100% of the pools surface is disinfected.

3) Fill a spray bottle with disinfectant and thoroughly spray the surface of the pool and surround. Then use a new disposable mop or cloth to spread the disinfectant over the surface of the pool. Leave for ten minutes.

The advantage of this method is that it is economic in terms of time and cost but relies upon the person carrying out the task to ensure that 100% of the pools surface is disinfected

  1. Open the drain outlet and empty the pool of the disinfectant.
  1. Using cold water, rinse the tap then the pool to remove all traces of the disinfectant, to prevent any residue being left on the pool surface.
  1. Dry the entire surface of the pool using a new cloth or disposable mop head.
  1. Keep the drain outlet closed when not in use.

Please note: If you want to use a product that is not chloride based please contact us for approval.

Damage resulting from higher water temperatures, steam cleaning or use of products not approved by Active Birth Pools will not be covered by our guarantee.

If you are duty flushing the taps with hot water/steam add 10cm of cold water to the pool first.

Important Update

Hospitals worldwide are starting to use Copper / Silver orca disinfection systems in an effort to combat bacterial issues and improve water safety.

We have discovered that there is great potential for staining with the Copper / Silver orca disinfection system

Copper-silver ionization systems introduce trace amounts of copper into the pool water.

In some cases, exposure to elevated copper levels can lead to staining of the sanitary ware and other surfaces, such as walls, floors, or fixtures.

This study goes into great detail – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7384302/

Please note that staining caused by these systems is NOT covered by our guarantee.

If your hospital is using one of these water treatment systems we suggest that you contact the department responsible for water safety as regular monitoring and appropriate copper levels are essential to mitigate the risk of staining.

Protocols from hospitals using Active Birth Pools.


How to restore your old birth pool to pristine condition

We’ve been supplying water birth pools to hospitals since 1989.

Many of the pools we supplied in the 90’s are still in active service!

We occasionally receive reports that the pools are not looking as clean and bright as they originally were.

Not to worry.

There is a product called tide mark cleaner that was developed for spas and swimming pools.

You can either use it to remove stains or brighten up the appearance of the pool when necessary.

It will restore your pool to pristine condition.

Here’s a link:


Related information:


Optional Equipment – Lighting, Sound and Step

Light and sound have a profound affect on the atmosphere and ambiance of the birth room.

Our new light and sound systems provide you with a simple way of transforming the environment, making it more conducive for physiological labour and natural birth.

Our multi-colour LED allows users to cycle through a range of colours to find the colour most that they find most appealing.

Our bluetooth sound system enables users to connect their phones and listen to the music of their choice.

Two integral speakers turn the birth pool into a highly refined audio loudspeaker.

The extra-wide rim and step unit make easy and safe for mothers to get in and out of our water birth pools.

Provision of a compact, single step gives the mother a height advantage.

She can step up – sit on the extra-wide rim and swivel into the water.

There is no climbing – she is grounded at all times and safeguarded from risk.

To find out more about how simple and safe it is for mothers to get in and out of our water birth pools please click here.



A way to make labour shorter, easier and more comfortable

“Introducing a deep pool of water to the birthing room is a way to make your labour shorter, easier and more comfortable.

It increases your sense of privacy and helps to make your baby’s entry to the world gentle and free from trauma, whether the birth occurs in or beside the pool”

Janet Balaskas – “Water Birth”

During your labour relaxing in a deep pool of warm water can be a wonderful aid.

It’s using a pool mainly for this reason – even if you are not planning a water birth.

A birth pool may help you to manage pain effectively in labour and considerably reduce your need for medical pain relief.

Studies have shown that fewer epidurals are needed when women use a water birth pool.

You are supported by the buoyancy of the water.

This allows you to relax easily and more deeply.

This helps you to cope with contractions and rest more comfortably in between them.

By saving energy you’re less likely to become tired or exhausted.

It’s easier for you to use upright or squatting positions in water than it is on land and to move freely from one position to another as you explore what works best for you.

You are likely to have an increased feeling of privacy and security in the pool.

If you enter the pool at the right time (5-6cms dilation) you can expect a boost in the secretion of the hormone oxytocin.

This will stimulate strong contractions.

The ‘oxytocin wave” when you enter the pool in strong labour lasts for approximately two hours.

You are likely to dilate rapidly during this time.

You may choose to have your baby in water

Welcoming your baby in water can be a joyous and wonderful experience.

However, you may choose to leave the pool for the birth itself.

It’s best for you to keep an open mind, rather than to have a fixed plan to give birth in water, even though the idea may be very appealing.

If you progress well in the pool during labour, or if your birth happens soon after you enter the water, you may wish to stay in the pool for the birth.

Your baby can be born under water without increased risk provided there is good midwifery care and there are no known complications.

Your baby is gently brought to the surface before taking his first breath.



Sheila Kitzinger speaks about birthing pool design

As childbirth author and activist Sheila Kitzinger OBE wrote in her article ‘The clock, the bed, the chair’ published in 2003:

“Even a recent innovation, the birth pool, does not always permit free movement.

In theory, a pool allows a woman, supported by water, to move unencumbered.

Or so it might be thought.

Though published research often refers to mobility as an advantage of being in a pool, some pools are elaborate constructions with seats, handgrips and foot-rests, and movement in them is restricted.”

The pool dictates the position the mother should be in by placing her in a semi-recumbent posture with hand holds and foot rests to fix the arms and legs.

Mothers are positioned in the classic lying back with legs wide-open position but happen to be immersed in water.

The seats in these water birth pools are typically tilted backwards.

The mother is immobilised in a position with her pelvis tilted upwards resulting in her  pelvic outlet being up to 30% smaller.

This puts pressure on the sacrum which flexes upward, into a curved position that restricts the diameter of the pelvic outlet inhibiting the baby’s descent.

The birth canal is placed in an “uphill” orientation, forcing the mother to push upward against gravity to give birth to her  baby.

These seats and moulded fittings greatly reduce the space the mother has to move in and restricts her ability to use the positions most beneficial.

The benefits of labouring in water are largely negated.

The possibility of a physiological labour and natural birth is greatly reduced.”


The benefits of using water for labour and birth are well known, here are the facts…

The benefits of using water for labour and birth are well known…

Here are the facts…

  1. Relaxing in a deep pool of warm water can be a wonderful aid in labour. It’s worth having a pool mainly for this reason.
  2. Using a birth pool helps mothers to manage pain in labour and considerably reduces the need for medical pain relief.
  3. The buoyancy of the water supports the mothers body weight allowing her to relax more easily and deeply. They can cope better with contractions and also rest more comfortably in between them.
  4. It’s easier to use upright or squatting positions and move freely from one position to another, than it is on land.
  5. Being in a birth pool gives mothers an increased feeling of privacy and security. This enhances the secretion of hormones which stimulate uterine contractions and act as natural pain killers and relaxants.
  6. Studies show that labours tend to be shorter overall when a woman enters the pool at around 5cms. dilation.
  7. Fewer women need the help of obstetric interventions.

Women who receive less medical intervention generally stay in hospital for a shorter period of time.

The combination of an intervention free birth – with a short hospital stay result in a better experience for mother and baby.

Hospital staff and resources can be employed more efficiently.

Importantly – this results in significant financial savings!

A birth pool is a simple, inexpensive piece of equipment that has a major impact on the the quality of care and cost of having a baby.

Click here to learn more about our water birth pools and find out how they will deliver for you.



Water Birth Safety Initiative

Hospitals in the United Kingdom began allowing women to use specially designed pools of water for labour and birth during the 1980’s.

The wide-spread popularity and acceptance of water birth pools as a standard part of the maternity care package necessitated the development of guidelines & regulations to define standards and ensure they’re met.

The United Kingdom Department of Health has published a panoply of water safety directives that apply to water birth pools.

Policies and recommendations set forth in the Water Birth Safety Initiative are based upon these publications.

The Water Birth Safety Initiative (WBSI) calls for development of international standards modelled on the UK’s so that women the world over can benefit from the use of water for labour and birth safeguarded from risk.

The WBSI calls for the implementation of stricter protocols and sets forth recommendations for equipment standards.

The guidelines set forth in the WBSI are intended to serve as a framework of standards for birth pool suppliers, hospitals and midwives to work with to establish  safe codes of practice.

Guidelines for Water Birth Pools Installed in Hospital

Water is more prone to bacteria growth after it leaves the public water distribution system and enters a building’s plumbing.

There it finds warmer temperatures, stagnation, and smaller pipes, valves and fittings.

Biofilm that forms on valves and fittings and pipe walls not only feeds bacteria but also protects them from the hot water and chlorine that typically would kill free-floating organisms.

Large systems with complex piping networks — like those found in hospitals, hotels and large apartment buildings — are especially prone to bacteria growth.15

Water Birth Pools that are installed in hospitals have the benefit of being maintained by staff to ensure that protocols are established, met and maintained.

Consideration and due diligence with regard to the prospective purchase of water birth pools and the assessment of pools already in use needs to be taken to ensure that the associated plumbing and electrical systems meet relevant safety standards.

The United Kingdom’s Department of Health and National Health Service has an exemplary safety record achieved by establishing rigorous sets of guidelines and regulations for the design, installation, use and maintenance (cleaning/disinfection) of water birth pools.

In the UK water birth pools are classed as a Category Fluid 5 water risk which represents a serious health hazard due to the concentration of pathogenic organisms, radioactive or very toxic substances, e.g. containing faecal material or other human waste; butchery or other animal waste or pathogens.

Water Birth Pools must be installed in compliance with water regulations as set forth in The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999.11

The 7 sins of water safety

To ensure high standards are met it is strongly advised that you do not use a water birth pool that has any of these features:

  1. Overflow drains
  2. Internal water inlets
  3. Hand-held showers
  4. Systems with flexible hoses or extended pipes
  5. Integral or secondary plumbing systems
  6. Any type of recirculating or pumped water systems such as whirlpool, jacuzzi, spa, bubbling, filtering etc
  7. Heating systems

1) Overflow drains

Overflow drains harbour bacteria and can serve as a conduit for cross infection.

Regulations are very clear on this point – overflow drains should not be installed on water birth pools as they constitute a constant infection control risk much more significant than the possible risk of damage due to water overflowing.11,12

Some digital taps on the market can be set for filling time thus obviating the risk of the pool overflowing.

2) Internal water inlets

Internal water inlets act in place of taps to fill the pool.

They are installed on the inside of the pool just above the water line and connected with pipework to a thermostatic valve.

If the water level rises there is a high risk of back flow enabling bacteria to enter the system creating a risk of cross infection.7

3) Handheld showers

Handheld showers present a significant infection control risk due to the fact that they can fall in the pool and be contaminated with bacteria that could breed and be passed on next time the shower is used.

Department of Health regulations clearly stipulate that handheld showers and bath/shower mixers are not installed for use with water birth pools. 13

Handheld showers present a Fluid Category 5 risk to the mains water supply.

It must not be possible to submerge the showerhead in the water due to risk of cross infection.

In order to comply with category 5 water regulations covering back siphonage, a class AUK3 air gap would be required, which generally prevents the use of handsets, unless there is a separate break tank installed in the hospital plumbing system.

4) Systems with flexible hoses or extended pipes

Systems that employ flexible piping, have branch pipes or hold stagnant water present a potential hazard and must not be used with water birth pools.

It is impossible to clean, disinfect or monitor these systems.

They have been proven to be a source of Legionella and Pseudomonas. 14

Weekly flushing recommendations recommended by the department of health cannot be executed with such systems, and the effectiveness of this cannot be monitored due to the inacessibility of the closed system.

5) Integral or secondary plumbing systems

Integral, secondary or proprietary plumbing systems are fitted to some water birth pools.

As these systems can employ flexible and non-flexible piping, overflow drains, handheld showers and are often pumped or recirculating they present a significant infection control risk and should be banned from use.

Regulations stipulate that water birth pools are filled from thermostatically controlled wall mounted mixer taps plumbed directly into the hospitals water supply with the minimum of pipework.

Not only do secondary or integral plumbing systems present unacceptable risks, they are impossible to clean, disinfect or monitor and therefore present an extremely high and unacceptable infection control risk.

They must not be present on pools used for labour and birth. 10

6) Recirculating or pumped water systems

Recirculating or pumped water systems such as whirlpool, jacuzzi, spa, bubbling, filtering etc. have the perfect environmental conditions to be a potential source for the growth of microorganisms, including legionella bacteria and must not be installed on water birth pools.

Water systems that are able produce aerosols represent the highest levels of risk.

Aerosols can be generated very easily when the water surface is broken -for example, by falling water droplets, splashing, or by bubbles breaking at the surface.

Once introduced to artificial water systems, Legionella can thrive in warm water (30 – 35 °C) and has been shown to be present on flexible seals and metal surfaces within plumbing systems used in domestic potable water supplies.

Inadequately maintained spa pools (birth pools with pumped or recirculating systems) provide ideal conditions to support the growth of legionellae and other microorganisms, which may then become aerosolised and subsequently inhaled.15

7) Heating systems

Heating systems for water birth pools are not necessary and present unacceptable infection control risks.7

There are two types of heating systems in use:

1. Recirculating system with a heat exchanger

Water is pumped out of the pool and through a heat exchanger and then flows back into the pool.

These systems present one of the highest infection control risks and should not be installed on a water birth pool under any circumstances. (covered by points 4, 5 and 6 above).

2. Electric heating systems

Similar to under floor heating found in homes do not present an infection control risk.

But, they do present an unacceptable health and safety risk and should therefore not be installed in water birth pools.

These systems consist of a network of cables embedded in the fabric of the birth pool that are attached to the power supply through a thermostat.

The heat is transmitted from the cables through the floor of the pool and then transferred to the water.

The inherent problem with these systems is that the water is relied on to take the heat away from the material.

If a woman remains motionless the heat becomes concentrated and a “hotspot” develops which can result in the woman being burned.


Plumbing for filling and emptying water birth pools should be simple, straight forward and kept to the minimum.

A set of taps (see below) mounted on the wall 15cm above the rim and a drainage system similar to that of a normal bath is all that is required.

Rim mounted taps present two areas of risk:

1. Women may hit their head on taps that are mounted on the rim of the pool causing injury.

In the throes of labour a woman is not as cognisant of her surroundings as she normally is.

She needs to be protected from the potential harm that could result from hitting her head or other part of her body on the spout.

2. Risk to the taps and pool caused by the labouring woman grabbing onto the spout for support could easily cause damage to the fitting or fabric of the pool.

Filling the birth pool

Water Birth Pools should be filled directly from the hospitals main water supply through a ¾ Thermostatic Mixing Valve (TMV).

To comply with UK National Health Service regulations the valve must have TMV3 approval for use in Healthcare and Commercial situations and certify that it conforms to the performance requirements of the Department of Health.16

To kill legionella and other bacteria, water in hospitals systems is heated to 60 – 80 °C.

Water temperature entering the birth pool should be limited by the TMV to 44 °C to prevent scalding.

The added benefit of using a TMV connected directly to the hospitals main water supply is that it can be set to automatically flush itself of stagnant water twice a day and be thermally disinfected periodically.


The use of a TMV ensures a safe water supply.

Digital thermostatic mixing valves with enhanced thermal performance that incorporate these features are ideal:

1) Programmable control to accurately mix and maintain the temperature of the water flowing into the birth pool and limit the temperature of the water to 44 °C to prevent scalding.17

2) Programmable fill duration to fill the pool to the desired depth and then turn off.

This is important as water birth pools are not allowed to have overflow drains installed and this feature will prevent the pool from overflowing when unattended.

3) Programmable duty flushing to ensure that water does not stagnate within the tap and associated pipe work, effectively controlling the multiplication of legionella & other bacteria in infrequently used outlets.

Flushing duration is in line with HSE L8 recommendations.18

4) Programmable high-temperature thermal disinfection to destroy the proteins in viruses and bacteria and render them as dead or inert.

Thermal disinfection works by achieving a moist heat which is set at a specific temperature for a set amount of time.

Viruses and bacteria are very sensitive to heat and they will die if exposed to higher temperatures. 19

Emptying the Pool

Water from a birth pool needs to be treated as Fluid category 5 waste representing a serious health hazard due to the concentration of pathogenic organisms derived from fecal material or other human waste and emptied directly into the hospital’s waste water system.20

The pipework needs to have a trap or U bend fit as close to the waste/drain as possible.

The drainage fitting or waste should seal neatly into the drain.

The drainage fitting should be cleaned and flushed through with disinfectant and then dried as part of the cleaning protocol.

The waste should be kept closed when the pool is not in use.

There should be NO flexible pipe used in the drainage pipework.21

The waste should be remotely operated (i.e. pop up waste with rim mounted control) and of the best quality, preferably high-grade brass, to resist the corrosive action of chlorides and other disinfectants.


End notes

The Water Birth Safety Initiative was conceived by Keith Brainin to motivate and enable birth pool suppliers and health care professionals to raise standards and implement protocols to make water birth safe.


[1] Healio – Infectious Disease News. (2014, December 26). Legionellosis death after water birth sparks call for stricter infection control protocols. http://www.healio.com/infectious-disease/practice management/news/online/%7Bfe352169-755d-4d21-9bb2-abb8ae209f89%7D/legionellosis-death-after-water-birth-sparks-call-for-stricter-infection-control-protocols

[2] Inquisitr. (2015, January 16). Oregon Water Birth Leaves Baby Disabled, Lawsuit Wants Labor Options Banned. http://www.inquisitr.com/1761136/oregon-water-birth-leaves-baby-disabled-lawsuits-wants-labor-options-banned/

[3] GOV.UK. Alert after Legionnaires’ disease case in baby, 2014. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/alert-after-legionnaires-disease-case-in-baby

[4] The Guardian. Legionnaires’ disease in baby is linked to heated birthing pool, June 17, 2014.http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/jun/17/legionnaires-disease-heated-birthing-pool-baby-public-health

[5] Guidance from the  Water Regulations Advisory Scheme (WRAS) https://www.wras.co.uk/consumers/advice_for_consumers/what_are_the_water_regulations_/

[6] M.W. LeChevallier, 2003 World Health Organization (WHO). Conditions favouring coliform and HPC bacterial growth in drinking- water and on water contact surfaces. Heterotrophic Plate Counts and Drinking-water Safety. Edited by J. Bartram, J. Cotruvo, M. Exner, C. Fricker, A. Glasmacher. Published by IWA Publishing, London, UK. ISBN: 1 84339 025 6.

[7] www.gov.uk. Public Health England advice on home birthing pools, 2014.  https://www.gov.uk/government/news/public-health-england-advice-on-home-birthing-pools

[8] Health and Safety Executive. (2013). Legionnaires’ disease: Technical guidance [3.4], 2013. http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/priced/hsg274part3.pdf

[9] United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust UK. Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization Guidelines for Re-Usable Medical Devices 2010.

[10] http://www.eurosurveillance.org. Case of legionnaires’ disease in a neonate following an home birth in a heated birthing pool. England, June 2014 http://www.eurosurveillance.org/ViewArticle.aspx?ArticleId=20857

[11] Water Regulations Advisory Scheme (WRAS). Fluid Categories. https://www.wras.co.uk/consumers/resources/glossary/fluid_categories/

[12] WHBN 00-10 Welsh Health Building Note. Part C: Sanitary assemblies2014, http://www.wales.nhs.uk/sites3/documents/254/WHBN%2000-10%20Part%20C.pdf

[13] Department of Health, Children, young people and maternity services. Health Building Note 09-02: Maternity care facilities, 2009.

[14] Freije, Matthew R. Some waterborne bacteria are tough, 2010. http://www.watertechonline.com/articles/some-waterborne-bacteria-are-tough

[15] Woolnough, Kevin. Legionella Expert Calls for Greater Vigilance, 2014. http://www.eurofins.co.uk/news-archive/legionella-expert-calls-for-greater-vigilance.aspx

[16] BEAMA. TMV Standards and regulations, 2013. http://www.beama.org.uk/en/product-areas/heating-hot-water–air-movement/thermostatic-mixing-valves/tmva-faqs-on-thermostatic-mixing-valves/tmv-standards-and-regulations.cfm

[17] Health and Safety Executive. Managing the risks from hot water and surfaces in health and social care, 2012. http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/hsis6.pdf

[18] Health and Safety Executive. Legionnaires’ disease The control of legionella bacteria in water systems, 2013. http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/priced/l8.pdf

[19] Health and Safety Executive. Managing legionella in hot and cold water systems. http://www.hse.gov.uk/healthservices/legionella.htm

[20] SMS Environmental – the water experts. Fluid Categories. http://www.sms-environmental.co.uk/fluid_categories.html.

[21] Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. Legionella Management and Control Procedures, 2014.


  • Ashford and St. Peter’s Hospitals, Women’s Health and Paediatrics Division (Abbey Birth Centre). Operational Policy and Clinical Guide, 2014.
  • BEAMA. TMV Standards and regulations. 2013. http://www.beama.org.uk/en/product-areas/heating-hot-water–air-movement/thermostatic-mixing-valves/tmva-faqs-on-thermostatic-mixing-valves/tmv-standards-and-regulations.cfm (accessed 2014 йил 24-09).
  • Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. Water birth and use of water in labour guideline. Prod. Miss G Tasker and Audrey Warren. 2013.
  •  Dekker, Rebecca. “Evidence on the Safety of Water Birth.” http://evidencebasedbirth.com/. 2014. http://evidencebasedbirth.com/waterbirth/ (accessed 2014 10-09).
  • Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 Guidance Document relating to Schedule 1: Fluid Categories and Schedule 2: Requirements For Water Fittings. 1999. http://archive.defra.gov.uk/environment/quality/water/industry/wsregs99/documents/waterregs99-guidance.pdf.
  • Department of Health. Children, young people and maternity services Health Building Note 09-02: Maternity care facilities. 2009.

—. “Health Building Note 00-09: Infection control in the built environment.” www.gov.uk. 2002. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/170705/HBN_00-09_infection_control.pdf (accessed 2014 6-12).

—. “Health Technical Memorandum 64: Sanitary assemblies.”  2006. http://www.wales.nhs.uk/sites3/documents/254/HTM%2064%203rded2006.pdf (accessed 2014 10).

—. “Water systems Health Technical Memorandum 04-01: Addendum” .2013. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/140105/Health_Technical_Memorandum_04-01_Addendum.pdf (accessed 01 2014-10).

 —. “Water systems Health Technical Memorandum 04-01: The control of Legionella , hygiene, “safe” hot water, cold water and drinking water systems”. 2006.

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  • Elizabeth R Cluett, Ethel Burns. Immersion in water in labour and birth. 2009.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD000111.pub3/abstract (accessed 2013 13-05).
  • Elyse Fritschel, Kay Sanyal, Heidi Threadgill, and Diana Cervantes. Emerging Infectious Diseases.CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC. 2014. http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/21/1/14-0846_article (accessed 2015 5-January).
  • Freije, Matthew R. Some waterborne bacteria are tough . 2010. http://www.watertechonline.com/articles/some-waterborne-bacteria-are-tough (accessed 2015 20-01).
  • GOV.UK. Alert after Legionnaires’ disease case in baby. 2014. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/alert-after-legionnaires-disease-case-in-baby (accessed 2014 3-12).
  • GOV.UK. Public Health England advice on home birthing pools. 2014. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/public-health-england-advice-on-home-birthing-pools (accessed 2014 03-August).
  • Healio – Infectious Disease News. Legionellosis death after water birth sparks call for stricter infection control protocols. 2014. http://www.healio.com/infectious-disease/practice-management/news/online/%7Bfe352169-755d-4d21-9bb2-abb8ae209f89%7D/legionellosis-death-after-water-birth-sparks-call-for-stricter-infection-control-protocols (accessed 2015 07-01).
  • Health and Safety Executive. Legionnaires’ disease The control of legionella bacteria in water systems. 2013. (accessed 2014 07-07).

—. “Legionnaires’ disease: Technical guidance.”  2013. http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/priced/hsg274part3.pdf (accessed 2014 20-10).

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  •  Health Facilities Scotland. Consultation draft of SHTM 04-01 Water Safety for Healthcare Premises Part G: Operational Procedures and exemplar Written Scheme 2013. Health Facilities Scotland.
  •  Inquisitr. Oregon Water Birth Leaves Baby Disabled, Lawsuit Wants Labor Options Banned. 2015.http://www.inquisitr.com/1761136/oregon-water-birth-leaves-baby-disabled-lawsuits-wants-labor-options-banned/ (accessed 2015 16-01).
  •  Laura Franzin, Carlo Scolfaro, Daniela Cabodi, Mariangela Valera, and Pier Angelo Tovo. Legionella pneumophila Pneumonia in a Newborn after Water Birth: A New Mode of TransmissionOxford Journals, November 2001: 104.
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  •  Legislation.gov.uk. The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999.The National Archives. 1999. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1999/1148/contents/made (accessed 2015 05-01).
  •  M.W. LeChevallier, World Health Organisation. Conditions favouring coliform and HPC bacterial growth in drinkingwater and on water contact surfaces . 2003.
  •  N Phin, T Cresswell, F Parry-Ford on behalf of the Incident Control Team. CASE OF LEGIONNAIRES’ DISEASE IN A NEONATE FOLLOWING A HOME BIRTH IN A HEATED BIRTHING POOL, ENGLAND, JUNE 2014.http://www.eurosurveillance.org. 2014. http://www.eurosurveillance.org/ViewArticle.aspx?ArticleId=20857 (accessed 2015 10-01).
  •  Nottingham University Hospitals. LEGIONELLA MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL PROCEDURES. May 8, 2014.
  • Rosanna A. Zanetti-Daellenbach, Sibil Tschudin, Xiao Yan Zhong, Wolfgang Holzgreve, Olav Lapaire, Irene Ho ̈sli. Maternal and neonatal infections and obstetrical outcome in water birth . Prod. Women’s University Hospital Basel. Spitalstrasse, Basel: European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology , 2006 28-August.
  • SMS Environmental – the water experts. Fluid Categories. http://www.sms-environmental.co.uk/fluid_categories.html.
  • Takuhito Nagai, Hisanori Sobajima, and Mitsuji Iwasa. A fatal newborn case of Legionella pneumophila pneumonia occurring after water birth in a bathtub with an all day circulating system, June 1999 – Nagoya City.http://idsc.nih.go.jp/. 2000. http://idsc.nih.go.jp/iasr/21/247/de2474.html (accessed 2014 17-06).
  • Takuhito Nagai, Hisanori Sobajima, Mitsuji Iwasa, Toyonori Tsuzuki, Fumiaki Kura, Junko Amemura-Maekawa, and Haruo Watanabe. Neonatal Sudden Death Due to Legionella Pneumonia Associated with Water Birth in a Domestic Spa Bath. 2002.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC154682/ (accessed 2014 3-12).
  • The Guardian. Legionnaires’ disease in baby is linked to heated birthing pool . 2014. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/jun/17/legionnaires-disease-heated-birthing-pool-baby-public-health (accessed 2014 18-June).
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Atlanta, GA 30333. Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities . 2003.
  • Water Regulations Advisory Scheme. Fluid Categories . https://www.wras.co.uk/consumers/resources/glossary/fluid_categories/ (accessed 2014 3-12).
  • which.co.uk. Having a water birth and using birth pools. http://www.which.co.uk/birth-choice/articles/using-water-in-labour.
  • Woolnough, Kevin. Legionella Expert Calls for Greater Vigilance. http://www.eurofins.co.uk/news-archive/legionella-expert-calls-for-greater-vigilance.aspx (accessed 2015 17-01).

Please feel free to distribute and share this document crediting  © K. D. Brainin (Active Birth Pools) 2015

The buoyancy of water helps mothers benefit from upright positions

Studies have shown that upright labour positions are associated with a reduced second stage, fewer episiotomies or instrumental intervention in contrast to mothers labouring on their backs.

Many women also feel empowered in an upright position, and experience a sense of control over their labour.

On land women need to contend with the force of gravity that limits their ability to assume upright postures especially as labour progresses and they feel tired.

Many women do not have the fitness or stamina to maintain upright postures for lengths of time.

The transition from the land to water helps revive and energise the mother giving her a new lease on life and sense of purpose.

The buoyancy of water supports the mother reducing her relative weight by approx. 33% (Archimedes Principle) allowing her to easily explore the full range of beneficial upright positions in comfort and move in ways that were not possible on land.

The space, depth and design features of Active Birth Pools allow women to move freely to find and be supported in the upright positions that are most comfortable and beneficial for a physiological labour to unfold.


The Water Column takes water safety to a new level

Freestanding water birth pools are becoming increasingly popular.

These installations typically present significant water safety and hygiene risks as rim mounted plumbing and fixtures provides the perfect breeding ground for micro-organisms to thrive.

For wall mounted installations the thermostatic taps, spout, handheld shower and grab rail are fixed to an IPS Panel in accordance with health department regulations.

For freestanding birthing pools a solution needed to be found.

To solve this problem we developed the Water Column – a bespoke design concept that separates the plumbing from the pool to optimise hygiene and water safety and provide crucial support for mothers and midwives.

It’s highly utilitarian, sleek ergonomic design complements the look and usability of our pools to create the ideal facility for water birth.

The wide rim, step unit and grab rail make it safe for mothers to get in and out of the pools.

The column is the perfect height for midwives to rest and lean on while attending the births.

Mothers have a choice of hand holds for support in upright and standing positions.

Adding colour to the column and step adds another dimension to the ambiance of the room.

The Water Column is available in the full range of British Standard or RAL colours.

The demountable handheld shower is essential for cleaning the pool after the birth.

It should be removed while the pool is being used to maintain optimum hygiene standards  and to not contravene relevant water safety regulations.

The Water Column has a large access panel at the back that opens up to give plumbers plenty of room to install the thermostatic mixing valve, pipework and associated fittings.

We supply the Water Column only, and not the plumbing or fittings pictured in the images above.

Shown is the Rada T3 Bath/Shower Tap with Rada Spout and Grohe Demountable Handheld shower.


Vinner – Europeiske Designpriser

Dommerne ved de prestisjetunge Europeiske Designprisene tildelte førstepremien til Active II/360 Vannfødselsbasseng i kategorien Helse: Sikkerhetsdesign.

European Product Design Award (ePDA) er en banebrytende global begivenhet dedikert til å løfte og fremme kunsten av Produktdesign.

European Product Design Award™ anerkjenner innsatsen til talentfulle internasjonale produktdesignere som har som mål å forbedre våre daglige liv med deres praktiske, gjennomtenkte kreasjoner.

Introduksjon til Active II/360 Fødselsbasseng med Tilpasset Vannsøyle:
Et Høydepunkt av Innovasjon innen Fødselsomsorg

Active Birth Pools tilbyr Active II/360 Fødselsbasseng med Tilpasset Vannsøyle, en sofistikert løsning skreddersydd for helseinstitusjoner som streber etter å tilby eksemplarisk fødselsomsorg.

Denne avanserte kombinasjonen integrerer et toppmoderne fødselsbasseng med en funksjonell og stilig vannsøyle, som er selve symbolet på det siste innen designinnovasjon og materialteknologi for fødselsomsorgssektoren.

Avansert Utvikling for Moderne Helsebehov

Active II/360 Fødselsbasseng, et produkt fra Active Birth Pools, er designet for å møte de utviklende kravene til moderne fødselsomsorg.

Sammen med den Tilpassede Vannsøylen er dette systemet resultatet av omfattende forskning og samarbeid med helsepersonell.

Fokuset har vært på å skape en løsning som tilbyr overlegen funksjonalitet, sikkerhet og komfort, samtidig som det også dekker de praktiske behovene til både helsepersonell og mødre.

Ergonomisk Design for Forbedret Opplevelse

Active II/360 Fødselsbasseng er designet med vekt på ergonomisk utmerkelse og romeffektivitet.

Bassengs nøkkelhullsform er ikke bare visuelt tiltalende, men tilbyr også funksjonelle fordeler, som støtter en rekke fødselsposisjoner og bevegelser.

Bassenget inkluderer nedsenkede håndtak og en okselignende kant for ekstra støtte og sikkerhet.

Den Tilpassede Vannsøylen er sømløst integrert, som tilbyr en elegant løsning for nødvendig rørleggerarbeid og armaturer, og dermed forbedrer bassengets nytte og estetikk.

Overlegen Materialkvalitet

Konstruert fra Ficore®, et proprietært komposittmateriale eksklusivt for Active Birth Pools, tilbyr Active II/360 eksepsjonell holdbarhet, hygiene og sikkerhet.

Materialets høyt polerte, ultraglatte overflate er mindre glatt, avgjørende for å sikre sikkerhet.

Vannsøylen, laget av det samme kvalitetsmaterialet, komplementerer bassengets design og opprettholder de høye hygienestandardene som kreves i helsemiljøer.

Brukersentrerte Funksjoner

Active II/360 Fødselsbasseng med Vannsøylen inkluderer et støttesete for arbeid, som letter optimal fødselsposisjonering og komfort for moren og et sete på kantenivå for overvåking og nødevakueringer.

Bassengdesignen muliggjør fri bevegelse, som er essensielt for effektiv bruk av vannimmersion under arbeid.

Vannsøylen tilfører funksjonalitet som en stabil støttestruktur og en praktisk nytteplattform.

Integrerte Teknologiske Forbedringer

Bassenget er utstyrt med flerfarget LED-belysning og Bluetooth lydsystemer, som muliggjør skapingen av et personlig og beroligende miljø.

Disse funksjonene er integrert i å etablere en støttende atmosfære som er gunstig for naturlig fødsel.

Bærekraft og Økonomiske Fordeler

Det holdbare designet av Active II/360 Fødselsbasseng med Tilpasset Vannsøyle gjør det til et bærekraftig og økonomisk fornuftig valg for helseinstitusjoner.

Dens langvarige ytelse og reduserte erstatningskrav gjør det til en effektiv investering, i tråd med de økonomiske og miljømessige målene til moderne helseinstitusjoner.


Active II/360 Fødselsbasseng med Tilpasset Vannsøyle har blitt anerkjent globalt for sin innovative tilnærming til fødselsomsorg.

Dens adopsjon av helseinstitusjoner over hele verden er et testament til dets effektivitet, pålitelighet og forpliktelse til å fremme vannfødselspraksiser.

Avslutningsvis representerer Active II/360 Fødselsbasseng med Tilpasset Vannsøyle fra Active Birth Pools en harmonisk blanding av avansert design, overlegen materialteknologi og gjennomtenkt integrering av brukersentrerte funksjoner.

Det står som et strategisk og innovativt valg for helseinstitusjoner som ser etter å tilby en overlegen fødselsomsorgsopplevelse, som tilbyr komfort, sikkerhet og effektivitet i en omfattende og elegant pakke.

Active II/360 Water Birth Pool – Produktdatabladt

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Vencedor – Prêmios Europeus de Design

Os juízes dos prestigiados Prêmios Europeus de Design concederam o primeiro prêmio à Piscina de Parto na Água Active II/360 na Categoria de Segurança em Saúde.

O Prêmio Europeu de Design de Produto (ePDA) é um evento global de ponta dedicado a elevar e promover a arte do Design de Produto.

O Prêmio Europeu de Design de Produto™ reconhece os esforços de talentosos designers de produtos internacionais que visam melhorar nosso cotidiano com suas criações práticas e bem elaboradas.


Apresentando a Banheira de Parto Aquático Active II/360 com Coluna de Água Personalizada: Um Ponto Alto da Inovação em Cuidados Maternos

Active Birth Pools oferece a Banheira de Parto Aquático Active II/360 com Coluna de Água Personalizada, uma solução sofisticada sob medida para instalações de saúde que buscam fornecer cuidados maternos exemplares.

Esta combinação avançada integra uma banheira de parto aquático de última geração com uma coluna de água funcional e estilosa, simbolizando o que há de mais moderno em inovação de design e tecnologia de materiais para o setor de cuidados maternos.

Desenvolvimento Avançado para as Necessidades da Saúde Moderna

A Banheira de Parto Aquático Active II/360, um produto da Active Birth Pools, é projetada para atender às demandas em evolução dos cuidados maternos contemporâneos.

Emparelhada com a Coluna de Água Personalizada, este sistema é o resultado de extensa pesquisa e colaboração com profissionais de saúde.

O foco tem sido criar uma solução que ofereça funcionalidade, segurança e conforto superiores, abordando também as necessidades práticas de prestadores de cuidados de saúde e mães.

Design Ergonômico para uma Experiência Aprimorada

A Banheira de Parto Aquático Active II/360 é projetada com ênfase na excelência ergonômica e eficiência espacial.

A forma de buraco de fechadura da piscina não é apenas visualmente atraente, mas também proporciona benefícios funcionais, suportando uma variedade de posições e movimentos de parto.

A piscina inclui alças de mão embutidas e uma borda em forma de nariz de touro para suporte e segurança adicionais.

A Coluna de Água Personalizada é integrada de forma harmoniosa, oferecendo uma solução elegante para as necessárias instalações hidráulicas e acessórios, aprimorando assim a utilidade e estética da piscina.

Qualidade Superior de Material

Construída a partir de Ficore®, um material composto proprietário exclusivo da Active Birth Pools, a Active II/360 oferece durabilidade, higiene e segurança excepcionais.

A superfície do material é altamente polida e ultra-lisa, menos propensa a escorregadios, crucial para garantir segurança.

A Coluna de Água, feita do mesmo material de alta qualidade, complementa o design da piscina e mantém os altos padrões de higiene exigidos em ambientes de saúde.

Recursos Centrados no Usuário

A Banheira de Parto Aquático Active II/360 com Coluna de Água inclui um assento de apoio ao trabalho de parto, facilitando o posicionamento e conforto ótimos para a mãe, e um assento de segurança no nível da borda para monitoramento e evacuações de emergência.

O design da piscina permite movimento livre, essencial para o uso eficaz da imersão em água durante o trabalho de parto.

A Coluna de Água adiciona funcionalidade como uma estrutura de apoio estável e uma plataforma utilitária prática.

Melhorias Tecnológicas Integradas

A piscina está equipada com Iluminação LED Multicolorida e Sistemas de Som Bluetooth, possibilitando a criação de um ambiente personalizado e tranquilizador.

Esses recursos são fundamentais para estabelecer uma atmosfera de apoio propícia ao parto natural.

Sustentabilidade e Benefícios Econômicos

O design durável da Banheira de Parto Aquático Active II/360 com Coluna de Água Personalizada a torna uma escolha sustentável e economicamente viável para instalações de saúde.

Seu desempenho de longo prazo e a redução da necessidade de substituições frequentes a tornam um investimento eficiente, alinhando-se com os objetivos econômicos e ambientais das instituições de saúde modernas.

Adoção Global e Reconhecimento

A Banheira de Parto Aquático Active II/360 com Coluna de Água Personalizada tem sido reconhecida globalmente por sua abordagem inovadora aos cuidados maternos.

Sua adoção por instalações de saúde em todo o mundo é um testemunho de sua eficácia, confiabilidade e compromisso em avançar nas práticas de parto na água.

Em conclusão, a Banheira de Parto Aquático Active II/360 com Coluna de Água Personalizada da Active Birth Pools representa uma combinação harmoniosa de design avançado, tecnologia de material superior e integração ponderada de recursos centrados no usuário.

Ela se destaca como uma escolha estratégica e inovadora para instalações de saúde que buscam oferecer uma experiência superior de cuidados maternos, proporcionando conforto, segurança e eficiência em um pacote abrangente e elegante.

Active II/360 Water Birth Pool – Ficha Técnica

Posicione o cursor sobre o modelo abaixo para mover a imagem ao redor.

Para ver como a Banheira de Parto Aquático Active II/360 ficaria em sua sala de parto, clique no banner abaixo com seu telefone ou tablet.


Gagnant – Prix Européens du Design

Les juges des prestigieux Prix Européens du Design ont décerné le premier prix à la Piscine de Naissance dans l’Eau Active II/360 dans la catégorie Conception de Sécurité dans le Domaine de la Santé.

Le Prix Européen du Design de Produit (ePDA) est un événement mondial avant-gardiste dédié à valoriser et promouvoir l’art du Design de Produit.

Le Prix Européen du Design de Produit™ reconnaît les efforts des designers de produits internationaux talentueux qui visent à améliorer notre quotidien grâce à leurs créations pratiques et bien pensées.

Présentation de la Piscine de Naissance dans l’Eau Active II/360 avec Colonne d’Eau Sur Mesure: Un Sommet des Soins de Maternité

Active Birth Pools propose la piscine d’accouchement Active II/360 avec colonne d’eau sur mesure, une solution sophistiquée conçue pour les établissements de santé désireux de fournir des soins maternels exemplaires.

Cette combinaison avancée intègre une piscine d’accouchement dans l’eau de pointe avec une colonne d’eau fonctionnelle et élégante, incarnant le dernier cri en matière d’innovation en matière de conception et de technologie des matériaux pour le secteur des soins maternels.

Développement avancé pour les besoins de la santé moderne

La piscine d’accouchement Active II/360, un produit d’Active Birth Pools, est conçue pour répondre aux exigences évolutives des soins maternels contemporains.

Associée à la colonne d’eau sur mesure, ce système est le résultat de recherches approfondies et de collaborations avec des professionnels de la santé.

L’accent a été mis sur la création d’une solution offrant une fonctionnalité supérieure, la sécurité et le confort, tout en répondant aux besoins pratiques des prestataires de soins de santé et des mères.

Conception ergonomique pour une expérience améliorée

La piscine d’accouchement Active II/360 est conçue en mettant l’accent sur l’excellence ergonomique et l’efficacité spatiale.

La forme en trou de serrure de la piscine est non seulement esthétiquement plaisante, mais elle offre également des avantages fonctionnels, soutenant une variété de positions et de mouvements d’accouchement.

La piscine comprend des poignées encastrées et un rebord en forme de nez de taureau pour un soutien et une sécurité supplémentaires.

La colonne d’eau sur mesure est intégrée de manière transparente, offrant une solution élégante pour la plomberie et les accessoires nécessaires, améliorant ainsi l’utilité et l’esthétique de la piscine.

Qualité supérieure des matériaux

Fabriquée à partir de Ficore®, un matériau composite exclusif à Active Birth Pools, l’Active II/360 offre une durabilité, une hygiène et une sécurité exceptionnelles.

La surface hautement polie et ultra-lisse du matériau est moins glissante, ce qui est essentiel pour assurer la sécurité.

La colonne d’eau, fabriquée à partir du même matériau de qualité, complète la conception de la piscine et maintient les normes élevées d’hygiène requises dans les environnements de soins de santé.

Fonctionnalités centrées sur l’utilisateur

La piscine d’accouchement Active II/360 avec colonne d’eau comprend un siège de soutien pour le travail, facilitant la position d’accouchement optimale et le confort de la mère, ainsi qu’un siège de sécurité au niveau du rebord pour la surveillance et les évacuations d’urgence.

La conception de la piscine permet une liberté de mouvement, essentielle pour une utilisation efficace de l’immersion dans l’eau pendant le travail.

La colonne d’eau ajoute de la fonctionnalité en tant que structure de support stable et une plateforme utilitaire pratique.

Intégration d’améliorations technologiques

La piscine est équipée d’un éclairage LED multicolore et de systèmes audio Bluetooth, permettant la création d’un environnement personnalisé et apaisant.

Ces fonctionnalités sont essentielles pour établir une atmosphère favorable à l’accouchement naturel.

Durabilité et avantages économiques

La conception durable de la piscine d’accouchement Active II/360 avec colonne d’eau sur mesure en fait un choix durable et économiquement viable pour les établissements de santé.

Sa performance à long terme et ses besoins réduits en remplacement en font un investissement efficace, aligné sur les objectifs économiques et environnementaux des institutions de santé modernes.

Adoption et reconnaissance mondiales

La piscine d’accouchement Active II/360 avec colonne d’eau sur mesure a été reconnue dans le monde entier pour son approche innovante des soins maternels.

Son adoption par des établissements de santé du monde entier témoigne de son efficacité, de sa fiabilité et de son engagement envers l’avancement des pratiques d’accouchement dans l’eau.

En conclusion, la piscine d’accouchement Active II/360 avec colonne d’eau sur mesure d’Active Birth Pools représente un mélange harmonieux de conception avancée, de technologie de matériaux supérieurs et d’intégration réfléchie de fonctionnalités centrées sur l’utilisateur.

Elle constitue un choix stratégique et innovant pour les établissements de santé souhaitant offrir une expérience de soins maternels supérieure, alliant confort, sécurité et efficacité dans un ensemble complet et élégant.

Active II/360 Water Birth Pool – Fiche technique

Placez votre curseur sur le modèle ci-dessous pour déplacer l’image.

Active II/360 Water Birth Pool – Fiche technique

Pour voir à quoi ressemblerait la piscine d’accouchement Active II/360 dans votre salle d’accouchement, cliquez sur la bannière ci-dessous avec votre téléphone ou votre.



Active Birth Pools help mothers utilise upright postures to have better births

Studies have shown that upright labour positions are associated with a reduced second stage, fewer episiotomies or instrumental intervention in contrast to mothers labouring on their backs.

Women feel empowered in upright positions and experience a sense of control over their labour.

For birth, squatting and its variants are the positions closest to nature’s laws and are known as physiological birth positions.

These include full or semi squats, standing squats or various kneeling positions.

The use of such upright positions produce the following additional benefits in the second stage:

  • more powerful contractions resulting in an effective expulsive reflex
  •  optimal foetal oxygenation
  • minimal strain and muscular effort
  • an optimal angle of descent
  • maximum space for descent, rotation and emergence of the presenting parts through the pelvic outlet
  • optimal relaxation of the perineum

It has been demonstrated that where the use of upright positions during labour and birth is actively encouraged, the number of spontaneous physiological births increases.

Many women do not have the fitness or stamina to maintain upright postures for lengths of time.

On land women need to contend with the force of gravity that limits their ability to assume upright postures especially as labour progresses and they feel tired.

It’s easier for mothers to use upright or squatting positions in water than it is on land and to move freely from one position to another as they explore and find out what works best for them.

The transition from the land to water helps revive and energise the mother giving her a new lease on life and sense of purpose.

The buoyancy of water supports the mother reducing her relative weight by approx. 33% (Archimedes Principle) allowing her to easily explore the full range of beneficial upright positions in comfort and move in ways that were not possible on land.

Active Birth Pools are specially designed to provide optimum support for mothers in the range of upright positions natural to labour and birth.

The can hold onto the recessed handgrips or use the wrap around, bullnose-shape rim for support as the they move around the pool to explore and find the most beneficial upright positions.

Features such as the Labour Support Seat, Safety Seat and Lumbar Support create additional possibilities for mothers to benefit from the upright postures natural to labour and birth.


Saiba mais e obtenha um orçamento

Obrigado pelo seu interesse em nossas piscinas de parto na água.

Nós ajudamos a pioneirar o uso de água para o trabalho de parto e nascimento ao projetar as piscinas de parto na água que tornaram essa revolução no cuidado com a maternidade possível.

Ao longo dos últimos 37 anos, fornecemos milhares de piscinas de parto na água para hospitais, centros de parto e unidades de obstetrícia ao redor do mundo, e ajudamos milhões de mulheres a terem partos melhores.

A combinação de design ergonômico baseado em evidências, centrado no usuário, materiais altamente especializados e fabricação sob medida resulta em piscinas de parto na água que estão em uma classe própria.

Alcançamos sucesso continuamente inovando, mantendo as coisas simples e focando em nossos princípios fundamentais de segurança, valor e desempenho.

Nosso entendimento único e dedicação de longo prazo em atender às necessidades das mães e parteiras nos torna singularmente qualificados para ser de serviço.

Somos recipientes de um Prêmio de Melhoria no Cuidado com a Saúde e um Prêmio Europeu de Design e amplamente reconhecidos como a escolha preferida de hospitais em todo o mundo.

Nossas piscinas de parto na água são feitas à mão por artesãos altamente qualificados na Inglaterra e construídas com um padrão tão alto que fornecem décadas de serviço e são garantidas por toda a vida.

Para uma cópia do nosso catálogo, planos e mais informações detalhadas, veja os artigos nesta página: https://activebirthpools.com/blog/?category_name=portugues

Por favor, entre em contato conosco para saber mais e obter um orçamento.

Aguardamos ansiosamente o seu contato.

#partonaágua #piscinadepartonaágua #piscinadenascimento #banhodeparto

Why the Room You Give Birth In Should Be Like the Room You Conceived In

I remember first hearing of this concept from a talk that Michel Odent gave at the Active Birth Centre in London in the late 80’s.

It instinctively made sense to me.

Here’s why……

The concept of creating a birthing environment that mirrors the comfort and intimacy of the room where conception likely occurred holds significant merit.

Various studies and expert opinions emphasize the profound impact of the birthing environment on both the physiological and psychological aspects of childbirth.

The Impact of Environment on Physiological Birth

Research indicates that the environment in which a woman gives birth significantly influences the onset and progression of labor.

A calm, private, and safe ambiance is conducive to normal neuro-hormonal functioning, supporting the physiology of labor and birth.

This environment ideally should replicate the familiar, intimate setting akin to where conception might have occurred, as familiarity is linked to fewer medical interventions and greater maternal satisfaction​​.

Psychological Safety and Comfort

The psychological aspects of a birthing environment cannot be overstated.

Creating a home-like birth environment, similar to the personal and intimate setting of conception, significantly reduces the need for intrapartum analgesia and increases the likelihood of spontaneous vaginal birth and maternal satisfaction​​.

This is crucial, as the psychological state of the mother can profoundly impact the labor process.

The Role of Alternative Birth Settings

Alternative birth settings, such as bedroom-like rooms or ambient rooms, have been shown to increase the likelihood of spontaneous vaginal birth, breastfeeding at six to eight weeks, and women’s positive view of care.

These settings often include multi-sensory stimulations like vision, touch, sound, and aromas, which can be critical during labor and birth​​.

Creating a Supportive Environment

Elements like comfortable furniture, ability to control lighting and noise, and privacy are integral to creating a supportive birth environment.

These factors, reminiscent of a more personal and intimate setting, are crucial for ensuring a positive birthing experience.

The inclusion of familiar items and settings can play a pivotal role in mimicking the conception environment, thereby making the birthing process more natural and less stressful​​​​.


In essence, the room you give birth in should ideally reflect the room you conceived in due to its profound impact on the physiological and psychological aspects of childbirth.

Creating a familiar, comfortable, and intimate environment, similar to where conception occurred, can significantly enhance the birthing experience, leading to positive outcomes for both mother and child.

Enhancing Maternity Care: The Impact of the Birthing Environment and Water Birth Pools

The Economic and Patient-Centric Benefits of Water Birth Pools in Healthcare Facilities

The Warm Embrace: How Warm Water in Water Birth Pools Facilitates the Release of Oxytocin

Reasons to consider a water birth

Bridge to Health –  Sian Smith

When considering their birth plan, more and more women are choosing to include the use of water at some stage.

In fact, around 30% of women now plan to use this method either for birthing their baby or as a natural way to reduce some of the intense sensations (pain!) associated with labour.

Here are some of the reasons why:

Water is relaxing!

Being able to bob around in a large pool of warm water is the perfect environment to help you stay calm and relaxed, in a situation most would normally consider pretty stressful.

For many, sliding into a warm bath is the ‘go to’ choice of relaxation after a hard day, so what better way to help you through one of the most physically demanding and memorable experiences of your life?

Additionally, a calmer birth may be less stressful for your baby, as moving from an environment of warm amniotic fluid to one of warm water is a gentle way of introducing them to their new surroundings.

Water is a natural pain reliever

The relaxing effects of water help encourage the body to produce its own pain-fighting substances.

This is beneficial both for Mum and baby; for Mum staying relaxed helps stimulate her natural production of oxytocin (the’ love hormone’ that helps the uterus contract) and endorphins, the ‘feelgood’ hormones that help work as a natural pain reliever.

For baby, a happy and relaxed Mum is more likely to birth quickly with a reduced need for medical intervention.

It reduces stress and anxiety

It is not just the water that helps to relax you. With a waterbirth, often the entire surroundings are altered to create a calming ambience e.g. dimmed lights and hushed voices.

This enables you to go into your own world much more easily than if in a harshly lit room with strange people popping in and out.

Additionally, this type of relaxation helps encourage deep abdominal breathing, preventing you from becoming tense which may make contractions feel more intense.

It reduces the risk of perineal tearing

The warmth of the water helps to promote increased blood flow to the vagina and perineum (the area between the vagina and anus that is susceptible to tearing during childbirth).

This increases flexibility of the tissues and can reduce the likelihood of tearing when birthing the baby’s head.

It allows you to adopt a more ‘active’ birth position

A reason that some women choose a water birth is that it allows you to retain some control throughout the labour process –being aware of the contractions and sensations your body is experiencing, with a reduced chance of medical intervention.

Additionally, the sensation of ‘weightlessness’ that being in the water provides, enables you to move around much more freely than your body has allowed you to for a while!

You are free to adopt almost any position that feels comfortable for you.


The classic image of a labouring woman is that of her laying on her back with her legs in stirrups.

Whilst this is the case for many, it is actually a fairly difficult way to birth your baby as you have to work against gravity to push the baby’s head UP and over the lowest part of the spine – the coccyx.

The best way to counteract this is to work with gravity and adopt a more ‘active’ squatting or modified squatting position.

Being in the water allows you to stay in these positions for longer, as you can lean against the side of the birthing pool for support.

Remaining fit, healthy and active will also help you have as smooth a pregnancy as possible.

Your Osteopath can advise you on exercises that are suitable throughout pregnancy, specifically core, pelvic and lower limb strengthening exercises that will help you be able to adopt active birth positions and use the correct muscles to birth your baby as efficiently as possible.

It is safe!

Of course, water births are not suitable for everyone – the main criteria is that Mum and baby must be healthy, the baby must be in a head-down position, and the pregnancy must be between 37 and 42 weeks.

But as the majority of pregnancies are healthy, a water birth can offer a natural and more in control option to the labour choices a woman has.

And finally, one of the most frequently asked questions regarding waterbirths appears to be ‘will my baby drown underwater?’… to which the answer is no!

The baby receives all of its oxygen via the placenta and hormones circulating through the baby ensure this occurs until the baby is lifted out of the water.

It is also known as the ‘foetal dive reflex’ and allows babies to be underwater for short periods of time up until around 6 months old.

The benefits of labouring in water for overweight and obese mothers

Excerpt from article published by Big Birtha who provides information and support for bigger mums and mums to be.

All women are more buoyant and supported by water, it’s one of the reasons swimming and aqua aerobics are particularly good forms of exercise while pregnant.

But the benefit is likely to be greater for obese women, as fatter bodies are naturally more buoyant.

The buoyancy and support provided by water eases movement, which may make both maintaining an active labour and facilitating access for monitoring easier.

On land, it is cumbersome and difficult for a heavily pregnant woman of any size to quickly move between kneeling, reclining, sitting, leaning, crouching, turning from front to back etc.

In water, it is simple and easy to shift to whatever position is most comfortable/convenient, even midway through contractions.

Being in water also promotes positions which are more agreeable for birthing. Lying flat on your back on a bed is one of the worst positions to be in during labour.

When you are on your back you are working against gravity; actually trying to push the baby out uphill.

It’s only a slight incline, but it’s there.

To add to the problem, when lying down, your body weight is also resting on your coccyx (tailbone), forcing it into the pelvic cavity and reducing space for the baby.

In water, even if you were to float on your back, you wouldn’t be putting the same pressure on your tailbone, and you are far more likely to take an upright position, crouching or kneeling, for instance; positions which on land are uncomfortable to maintain, but not in water.

This frees up your coccyx to keep out of the way.

It is well documented that warm water reduces pain felt by labouring women, and decreases the use of other pain relief.

Given the issues with providing epidural anaesthesia to obese women, it seems sensible that using water; an effective non-pharmaceutical intervention to help with pain should be an attractive alternative?

Obese women are at increased risk of having longer labours, and of moving on to instrumental delivery and caesarean sections for ‘failure to progress’.

Yet immersion in water has been shown to significantly reduce the length of labour in ‘normal’ sized women.

It doesn’t take much of a leap of imagination to consider that water might help to address this problem, at least in some obese women?


Active Birth Pools are specially designed for to accomodate bigger mothers enabling them to move and benefit from the positions natural to labour and birth.

Various means of entry and exit from the pool as well as emergency evacuation have been considered and designed for to safeguard  over weight mothers and the midwives who care for them.

Groundbreaking research confirms benefits of water birth

Systematic review and meta-analysis to examine intrapartum interventions, and maternal and neonatal outcomes following immersion in water during labour and waterbirth

Library of Medicine


Objectives: Water immersion during labour using a birth pool to achieve relaxation and pain relief during the first and possibly part of the second stage of labour is an increasingly popular care option in several countries. It is used particularly by healthy women who experience a straightforward pregnancy, labour spontaneously at term gestation and plan to give birth in a midwifery led care setting. More women are also choosing to give birth in water. There is debate about the safety of intrapartum water immersion, particularly waterbirth. We synthesised the evidence that compared the effect of water immersion during labour or waterbirth on intrapartum interventions and outcomes to standard care with no water immersion. A secondary objective was to synthesise data relating to clinical care practices and birth settings that women experience who immerse in water and women who do not.

Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

Data sources: A search was conducted using CINAHL, Medline, Embase, BioMed Central and PsycINFO during March 2020 and was replicated in May 2021.

Eligibility criteria for selecting studies: Primary quantitative studies published in 2000 or later, examining maternal or neonatal interventions and outcomes using the birthing pool for labour and/or birth.

Data extraction and synthesis: Full-text screening was undertaken independently against inclusion/exclusion criteria in two pairs. Risk of bias assessment included review of seven domains based on the Robbins-I Risk of Bias Tool. All outcomes were summarised using an OR and 95% CI. All calculations were conducted in Comprehensive Meta-Analysis V.3, using the inverse variance method. Results of individual studies were converted to log OR and SE for synthesis. Fixed effects models were used when I2 was less than 50%, otherwise random effects models were used. The fail-safe N estimates were calculated to determine the number of studies necessary to change the estimates. Begg’s test and Egger’s regression risk assessed risk of bias across studies. Trim-and-fill analysis was used to estimate the magnitude of effect of the bias. Meta-regression was completed when at least 10 studies provided data for an outcome.

Results: We included 36 studies in the review, (N=157 546 participants). Thirty-one studies were conducted in an obstetric unit setting (n=70 393), four studies were conducted in midwife led settings (n=61 385) and one study was a mixed setting (OU and homebirth) (n=25 768). Midwife led settings included planned home and freestanding midwifery unit (k=1), alongside midwifery units (k=1), planned homebirth (k=1), a freestanding midwifery unit and an alongside midwifery unit (k=1) and an alongside midwifery unit (k=1). For water immersion, 25 studies involved women who planned to have/had a waterbirth (n=151 742), seven involved water immersion for labour only (1901), three studies reported on water immersion during labour and waterbirth (n=3688) and one study was unclear about the timing of water immersion (n=215).Water immersion significantly reduced use of epidural (k=7, n=10 993; OR 0.17 95% CI 0.05 to 0.56), injected opioids (k=8, n=27 391; OR 0.22 95% CI 0.13 to 0.38), episiotomy (k=15, n=36 558; OR 0.16; 95% CI 0.10 to 0.27), maternal pain (k=8, n=1200; OR 0.24 95% CI 0.12 to 0.51) and postpartum haemorrhage (k=15, n=63 891; OR 0.69 95% CI 0.51 to 0.95). There was an increase in maternal satisfaction (k=6, n=4144; OR 1.95 95% CI 1.28 to 2.96) and odds of an intact perineum (k=17, n=59 070; OR 1.48; 95% CI 1.21 to 1.79) with water immersion. Waterbirth was associated with increased odds of cord avulsion (OR 1.94 95% CI 1.30 to 2.88), although the absolute risk remained low (4.3 per 1000 vs 1.3 per 1000). There were no differences in any other identified neonatal outcomes.

Conclusions: This review endorses previous reviews showing clear benefits resulting from intrapartum water immersion for healthy women and their newborns. While most included studies were conducted in obstetric units, to enable the identification of best practice regarding water immersion, future birthing pool research should integrate factors that are known to influence intrapartum interventions and outcomes. These include maternal parity, the care model, care practices and birth setting.

Prospero registration number: CRD42019147001.

Keywords: Maternal medicine; PRIMARY CARE; Pain management.

Research review backs benefits of water births for mothers and babies  

Nursing Times

Water births provide “clear benefits” over standard care for healthy mothers and their newborns, according to UK researchers.

They found water births were associated with fewer interventions and complications during and after the birth, as well as higher levels of satisfaction for the mother.

“Water immersion is an effective method to reduce pain in labour, without increasing risk”

Study authors

Researchers compared the extent of healthcare interventions needed during and after labour to see if outcomes differed between a water birth and standard care – without a birthing pool.

They noted that a water birth involves using a birthing pool to achieve relaxation and pain relief, with the mother either exiting the pool for the birth, so the newborn can emerge into air to breathe, or remaining in the pool and bringing the newborn to the surface to start breathing.

They trawled research databases looking for relevant studies published over 20 years between 2000 and 2021, finding 36 studies involving 157,546 women. Most were carried out in obstetric units.

The study results showed that a water birth, regardless of whether women birth in or out of the pool, “has clear benefits to women” in obstetric units, where most births take place and where interventions and complications are more likely than in midwife-led units.

A waterbirth was as safe as standard care for healthy mothers and their newborns, they said in the journal BMJ Open.

Compared with standard care, a water birth significantly reduced the use of epidurals, injected opioids, episiotomy, as well as pain and heavy bleeding after the birth.

In addition, it increased mothers’ satisfaction levels and the odds of an intact perineum. There was no difference in the rate of Caesarean sections, said the study authors from Oxford Brookes University.

“Water immersion can significantly increase the likelihood of an intact perineum and reduce episiotomy, an intervention which offers no perineal or foetal benefit, can increase postnatal pain, anxiety, and impact negatively on a woman’s birth experience,” they said.

However, they observed more instances of umbilical cord breakage among water births, but the rate was still low – 4.3 per 1,000 births in water compared with 1.3 per 1,000 births with standard care.

This finding may be linked to pulling on the umbilical cord when the newborn is brought up out of the water, the researchers suggested.

Overall, they stated: “Water immersion provides benefits for the mother and newborn when used in the obstetric setting, making water immersion a low-tech intervention for improving quality and satisfaction with care.

“In addition, water immersion during labour and waterbirth alter clinical practice, resulting in less augmentation, episiotomy, and requirements for pharmacological analgesia,” they said.

They concluded: “Water immersion is an effective method to reduce pain in labour, without increasing risk.”

However, they acknowledged that information on birth settings, care practices, interventions and outcomes varied considerably among the included studies, and few were carried out in midwife-led units or in the mother’s home, which may have affected the findings of the analysis.

To strengthen the evidence base, future research should include factors that are known to influence interventions and outcomes during and after labour or birth, they added.

For example, how many children a woman has already had, where she gives birth, who looks after her, and the care she receives.

“The challenge now is to ensure this choice is open to all women wherever they live”

Clare Livingstone

Commenting on the research, Clare Livingstone, professional policy advisor at the Royal College of Midwives, said: “This is really good news for women choosing to have a water birth or thinking of having one.

“There has been previous research outlining the benefits for women and this significant study adds weight to those. It is also positive because it is more information for women when deciding how they want to give birth.”

She said: “Water births are becoming more widely available for women across the UK, but this isn’t the case everywhere. The challenge now is to ensure this choice is open to all women wherever they live.”

Ms Livingstone added: “What is needed now is to see more research into water births in midwife-led settings and in women’s homes. This will give us a broader picture of the impact of water births.”

Birth under water – Michel Odent

Michel Odent’s groundbreaking report “Birth Under Water” that was published in the Lancet in December 1983 is widely regarded as the seminal moment in time when the use of water for labour and birth entered our consciousness.

I’d personally like to thank Michel for being the inspiration that led me to begin to create and develop water birth pools in 1987 and for facilitating the birth of my son Theo at home in 1988.

Keith Brainin – Founder & Director Active Birth Pools

Birth under water – Michel Odent

Originally published in the Lancet: 1983

Centre Hospitalier Général de Pithiviers, PIthiviers 45300, France

The 100th birth under water in our hospital in June provided my team with an opportunity to summarise our experience of the use of water in an obstetric unit.

Since a report on birth under water in 1805,1 the subject has been rarely broached in the medical literature.

In Pithiviers, a hospital which is, in other respects, a conventional state hospital,2 a small pool has been installed close to the homely birthing room.

This pool is large enough (2m in diameter) and deep enough (about 0.7m) to make it easy for a woman in it to change her posture.

Many parturients feel and irresistible attraction to water. We don’t advise women to try the pool; we simply offer the pool as a possibility.

The water is ordinary mains tap water, at a temperature of 37 °C. The water is not sterilized, and contains no chemicals or additives on any sort.

We tend to reserve the pool for women who are experiencing especially painful contractions (lumbar pains, in particular), and where the dilation of the cervix is not progressing beyond about 5cm. In these circumstances, there is commonly a strong demand for drugs.

In most cases, the cervix becomes fully dilated within 1 or 2 hours of immersion in the pool, especially if the lights are dimmed.

It is possible to check the fetal heartbeat regularly with a small ultrasound stethoscope or with a traditional obstetrical stethoscope. Most women choose to leave the water in the second stage.

We believe that the warm pool facilitates the first stage of labour because of the reduction of the secretion of nor-adrenaline and other catecholamines; the reduction of sensory stimulation when the ears are under water; the reduction of the effects of gravity; the alteration of nervous conduction; the direct muscular stretching action; and peripheral vascular action.

Other factors, however, are difficult to rationalise. We have found, for example, that the mere sight of water and the sound of it filling the pool are sometimes sufficient stimuli to release inhibitions so that a birth may occur before the pool is full.

We have observed that water seems to help many parturients reach a certain state of consciousness where they become indifferent to what is going on around them.

Although nearly all the women who enter the pool leave it before birth, the process of delivery can sometimes be so extraordinarily fast under water, that some parturients do not leave the pool at the second stage.

Birth under water is therefore not exceptional in our unit, although it may not be intentional. During the second stage, immersion in warm water seems to help women to lose inhibitions. Most women cry out freely during the last contractions.

When the birth happens under water, the newborn infant is brought gently to the surface and placed in the mother’s arms. This is always done within seconds but without rushing (I am present at the pool for every underwater delivery).

Our experience confirms that the newborn’s first breathing is triggered by contact with the air and the sudden difference in temperature.

There is no risk of inhalation of water. It is useful to remember that in the human species carotid chemoreceptors are thought to be insensitive at birth, and very likely play no part at the time of the first cry. 3,4,5 Only 2 newborn infants out of 100 needed suction of the upper respiratory tract and a short period of manual ventilatory support.

At the time of first contact, most mothers are in a vertical position, kneeling in the water.  They hold the baby in their arms in such a way that skin-to-skin and eye-to-eye contact are as perfect as possible.

An early demonstration of the rooting reflex is almost the rule, and a first sucking 20 min after the birth is common.

Water seems to facilitate the development of the mother-infant relationship. We cut the umbilical cord and help the mother leave the pool just before expulsion of the placenta.

We consider that there might be a risk of water embolism if the mother were to stay in the pool after this time. In 100 underwater deliveries there were 2 manual removals of placenta (our general rate is less than 1%).

All the presentations were cephalic. In breech presentations, our strategy is to use the first stage as a test before deciding on either a vaginal delivery or a caesarian section: in these cases we prefer not to interfere with drugs or with a bath.

Among the 100 women who gave birth underwater, there were 43 primipara, 37 secundiparas, 14 para 3, 2 para 4, one para 5, one para 6, and one para 7.

The youngest was 19 and the oldest was 43. The average age was 28. The lowest birth weight was 2.15kg and the highest was 4.40 kg, we did not perform any episiotomies.

All the tears (of which there were 29) were first degree. We had no infectious complications, even where the membranes were already broken.

There were no perinatal deaths. One infant was transferred to a paediatric unit one day after the birth with groaning and respiratory failure, symptoms which were diagnosed as subarachnoid haemorrhage after delivery in the posterior position at 37 weeks.

Only one infant was jaundiced and required phototherapy (15mg/dl bilirubin on the second day). One of the infants born under water died suddenly some weeks later, although it was previously considered to be perfectly healthy.

We have found no risk attached either to labour or to birth under water, and in any hospital where a pool is in daily use, a birth under water is bound to happen now and then.

Compared with the supported squatting position in the birthing room, we have found that the end of the second stage of labour can be more difficult under water, particularly for primipara, but immersion during the second half of the first stage of labour is helpful, particularly for parturients having painful and insufficient contractions.

It should be possible for any conventional hospital to have a pool situated close to the birthing room and operating theatre.

The use of warm water during labour requires further research, but we hope that other experience would confirm that immersion in warm water is an efficient, easy, and economical way to reduce the use of drugs and the rate of intervention in parturition.



1. Embry M. Observation sur un accouchement terminé dans le bain. Ann Soc Méd Prat Montpellier 1805; 5: 13.

2. Gillett J. Chilbirth in Pithiviers, France. Lancet 1979; ii: 894-96.

3. Girard F, Lacaisse A, Dejours P. Lestimulus O 2 ventilatoire à la période néonatale chez l’homme. J Physiol (Paris) 1960; 52: 108-09.

4.  Purves MJ. The effects of hypoxia in the newborn lamb before and after denervation of the carotid chemoreceptors. J Physiol 1966; 185: 60-77.

5.  Purves MJ. Chemoreceptors and their reflexes with special reference to the fetus and newborn. J Devl Physiol 1981;  3: 21-57.


The Benefits of Water Birth for Overweight Women

Pregnancy is a transformative journey, and every woman deserves the best possible experience. Overweight or obese women often face unique challenges during pregnancy and childbirth.

However, the option of water birth has emerged as a promising alternative for these women, offering a range of benefits that can contribute to a more comfortable and empowering birthing experience.

In this article, we will explore the advantages of water birth for overweight women and why it might be a suitable choice.

Weight Support and Buoyancy

One of the primary benefits of water birth for overweight women is the buoyancy provided by being in warm water.

This buoyancy helps alleviate the strain on the joints and supports the weight of the body, making it easier for women carrying excess weight to move and change positions during labor.

This can be particularly beneficial during the first stage of labor when women often need to walk or change positions to encourage the progression of labor.

Pain Relief

Warm water has been found to be an effective natural pain reliever during labor.

It can help overweight women manage the discomfort and pain associated with contractions.

The warm water relaxes the muscles, reduces tension, and promotes a sense of calm, which can be especially helpful for women with added weight, as they might experience increased pressure on their joints and muscles.

Improved Blood Circulation

Overweight women are at a higher risk of developing conditions like gestational diabetes and high blood pressure during pregnancy.

Water immersion can improve blood circulation, which, in turn, can help regulate blood pressure.

The increased circulation can also aid in oxygenating the baby, reducing stress on the cardiovascular system during labor.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Labor can be an emotionally and mentally challenging process, and overweight women may have concerns or fears related to their weight and the birth process.

Being in a warm, soothing environment can help reduce stress and anxiety, leading to a more positive birthing experience.

Water birth promotes relaxation, encourages the release of endorphins, and fosters a sense of control over the birthing process.

Increased Mobility

Water birth allows for increased mobility and freedom of movement.

Overweight women may have difficulty moving comfortably on land due to the added weight, but buoyancy in the water makes it easier to change positions, squat, or kneel.

These positions can be beneficial for facilitating the baby’s descent and easing the passage through the birth canal.

Painful Perineum Relief

Overweight women may be concerned about the potential for perineal tears during childbirth.

The warm water of a birthing pool can help relax and soften the perineum, reducing the risk of tears.

Additionally, water can provide relief and comfort to the perineal area after childbirth, aiding in the healing process.

Promotes Natural Birth

Water birth aligns with the principles of natural childbirth.

It encourages women to trust their bodies and follow their instincts during labor.

This approach can empower overweight women to have a more active role in their birthing experience and reduce the need for medical interventions.


Water birth can offer numerous benefits for overweight women during pregnancy and childbirth.

The buoyancy, pain relief, improved circulation, reduced stress, increased mobility, and natural childbirth principles make water birth an attractive option.

However, it’s important for overweight women to consult with their healthcare providers to determine if they are good candidates for water birth and to ensure that their pregnancy and labor are appropriately monitored.

Ultimately, the goal of water birth for overweight women, as for all expectant mothers, is to provide a safe and positive birthing experience that prioritizes their comfort, well-being, and the health of their baby.

The benefits of labouring in water for overweight and obese mothers

Nothing helps mothers cope with pain in labour more effectively

Ventilation for the birthing environment

Engineering experts Phil Nedin and Dr. Anna Coppel from Arup’s advanced Technology and Research team look at the science of ventilating a birthing room.

Water Birth Pools expel a high volume of moisture that must be considered when designing the ventilation system for a water birth room.

Ventilation for birthing pool facilities


Sheila Kitzinger – Birth in Water: Just a Fad?

Originally published December 11, 2014

World-renowned social anthropologist and birth activist Sheila Kitzinger (1929-2015) was a strong advocate for birth in water, known as waterbirth.

A voice for the ability for every woman to choose, Sheila believed that waterbirth should be an option in mainstream maternity care.

May0042569. Daily Telegraph. Childbirth Guru Sheila Kitzinger for DT Weekend. Picture shows Sheila Kitzinger MBE, she is an author and social anthropologist specialising in pregnancy, childbirth and the parenting of babies and young children. Picture taken in her bedroom, she does most of her writing in her four poster bed. Location Standlake, Oxfordshire. Picture date 27/09/2012

In this piece for Birth Institute, Sheila outlined some of the myths surrounding the birth method, and provides evidence that, in fact, waterbirth is a safe, effective and empowering birthing option.

Learn how to support women through labor and delivery in water. Become a midwife!

Waterbirth is often discussed as if it were a novelty – and a dangerous one at that. It has been assumed to be something that “dropouts” and “weirdoes” choose, or that it is just a recent, passing phenomenon.

In truth, birthing in water is a safe and widespread practice among hospitals in the UK and Western Europe – including Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Denmark, Norway and Finland.

Furthermore, most practices aren’t as new as we think (the Ostend Aquanatal Centre in Belgium has been going strong since the late 80s), and waterbirth practices are here to stay.

Birth in water is safe and effective

Swiss study reveals that when using a pool women require less analgesia, have a lower incidence of perineal trauma, and reduced blood loss at delivery.

NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) concludes that waterbirth ‘provides the safest form of pain relief’.

There is evidence that being in water improves uterine contractility and speeds dilatation.  So, awoman giving birth in water is less exposed to interventions, including artificial augmentation of uterine activity, and is more likely to feel happy about her birth experience afterwards.

Yet that may not only be due to the water.  Labouring women who give birth in water have more one-to-one care from a midwife they have come to know.

This, combined with a relaxed environment in which the pool is used, contributes to the positive results. More first time mothers have spontaneous births in a freestanding midwifery center or at home than those in hospital.

In the UK, the NHS (National Health Service) states that women should be able to use a pool if they wish, and recommends one be available for every thousand women.

This option has become part of mainstream maternity care, and approximately 75% of all hospitals in the UK have installed birthing tubs.

Many community midwives are eager to raise the homebirth rate, and portable pools, designed to be used by just one woman (to avoid cross-infection), are selling well.

Complicated waterbirthing pools are not necessary.

Chairs, stools and other contraptions restrict movement, and when a woman is immobilized she is more likely to need obstetric intervention.

Francoise Freedman of Birthlight in Cambridge suggests using a pool at home to explore yoga movements during pregnancy.

These include hip-openers, kneeling stretches, and those to prevent and ease back pain, and others for ribcage expansion and pelvic floor toning.

The warm water acting as a cushion also makes a comfortable space to practice perineal massage.

Waterbirth is here to stay

Midwives keen on home birth and waterbirth were once seen as dissidents and mavericks.

This has changed now – so much that in the UK, it is common to encourage women to choose to labour, and perhaps give birth, in water and in their own home.  Pregnant women and midwives are being empowered now.

Every midwife-run and staffed birth center for low risk women offers pools, and midwives are beginning to develop the skills to use them. There is a feast of research from which midwives can learn more.

Ethel Burns, Waterbirth Practitioner, Research Midwife and Midwifery Teacher, and I have drawn up recommendations for practice in a paper available from Oxford Brookes University (read it here).

Sheila Kitzinger (1929-2015) was a social anthropologist of birth and an advocate of home births.  She believed that women have the right to decide the place of birth and kind of care they prefer, and to make an informed choice, based on research and their own values.

Women suffering post-traumatic stress after birth would ring her for help, seeking the confidence to deal with it.  For years she worked with mothers and babies in prison and asylum centers.  She lectured all over the world and her books are published in 23 languages.

Exploring movements in Water

Sheila was a keen proponent of water birth.

Her wonderful article gives us examples of the type and range of movements natural to labour and birth that mothers explore in water.


The pool in the photos is an original Oval Portable Water Birth Pool circa 1987  – to my knowledge the first specially designed portable water birth pool ever produced.

Please click here for a copy of Exploring movements in water: